
100 g of active starter

140 to 160 g of warm water

225 g of type T65 (high-gluten) wheat flour

75 g of type T150 (dark whole wheat) wheat flour

25 g of oil

5 g of salt


Preparing the dough: In a large bowl, dissolve the starter in the warm water, add the two kinds of flour, and mix briefly with a spoon without kneading. Let the mixture stand for 45 minutes.

Add the salt and oil and knead until they are well incorporated.

First rise: Lightly round the dough with wet hands. Cover and let stand for 3 to 5 hours, depending on the room temperature.

Dividing, shaping, and relaxation: Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and divide it into several tangerine-sized portions.

Gradually round the balls of dough, and then cover with plastic wrap and let stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.

Baking: Heat a non-stick pan. Take a ball of dough, flour it, and then roll it out on a floured work surface. The tortilla should not stick to the work surface.

When the pan is very hot, put the tortillas into the pan one at a time and bake each one for one to two minutes on each side.

So that the tortillas do not dry out, put the finished tortillas under a cloth as you finish each one; at the end, store them in an airtight container.


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