Why JavaScriptMVC?

JavaScriptMVC is a solid and well documented framework.

It is based on the extremely popular JavaScript library jQuery, where many JavaScript programmers are familiar with its factory methods and chainable function style.

JavaScriptMVC is a complete package. It contains everything we need to build, manage, document, and test JavaScript projects.

Since it is a modular framework, we don't need to use all the available components. We can start by using only framework components that we actually need, and add additional components as and when we need them.

The learning curve is pretty low, especially if a reader is familiar with other JavaScript frameworks, such as lightweight Backbone and Sammy or heavyweight toolkits such as Dojo toolkit or Google Closure. At the same time, it offers much more than lightweight brothers without a heavy feel, such as Google Closure which produces much cleaner code and provides better documentation than the very popular Dojo toolkit.

One of its killer features is that it prevents memory leakage. This is a very important aspect of client-side applications, which perform many operations on the Document Object Model (DOM) tree.


MVC in JavaScriptVC

JavaScriptMVC utilizes the classic MVC pattern, which separates business logic and application data from the user interface.

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