
$.View is a client-side template solution. It populates HTML templates with data.

It comes with four pre-packaged template engines, which can be downloaded from the following websites:

It's easy to extend it by using $.View.register.

Templates can be embedded in the HTML documents or loaded synchronously or asynchronously from external files. $.View supports template caching and bundling in the production builds.


Templates are embedded in the HTML documents as follows:

Let's copy the following code into index.html file:

<script type='text/ejs' id="accounts">
    <p>JavaScriptMVC is <%= message %></p>

Also, copy the following code into file jquerymx_playground_2.js:

    function ($) {

In the console, type the following:

$('body').html('accounts', {message: 'Awesome'});

As a result, the following DOM node should be created:

<p>JavaScriptMVC is Awesome</p>


This method of using templates is the most common one, since it allows for better organization of the project file's structure:

Create a file message.ejs and copy the previous template into it. The file content should look as follows:

<p>JavaScriptMVC is <%= message %></p>

Type the following in the console:

$('body').html('message.ejs', {message: 'Awesome'});

The object with the property message is passed into the HTML method which uses message.ejs file to render the text "Awesome" in place of <%= message %> and then append it into the body DOM node.

The result should be the same as in the embedded one.


Inside a template we can embed another template, as follows:

<%= $.View('sub-message.ejs', message); %>
..................Content has been hidden....................

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