Writing the documentation

Let's add a documentation to our Todo list application in Chapter 1, Getting Started with JavaScriptMVC.

To add the main documentation page, create a Markdown file todo.md in the Todo/todo directory with the following content:

@page index TodoApp
@description TodoApp is simple todo application.

# TodoApp documentation

Here we can add some more documentation formatted by [Markdown][1]!

[1]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax "Check out Markdown syntax"

Then, add these documentation blocks to the todo.js file:

    function ($) {

         * @class Todo
         * @parent index
         * @constructor
         * @author Wojciech Bednarski
         * Creates a new todo.

                 * @function findAll
                 * Get all todos
                 * @return {Array} an array contains objects with all todos
                findAll: 'GET /todos',

                 * @function findOne
                 * Get todo by id
                 * @return {Object} an objects contains single todo
                findOne: 'GET /todos/{id}',

                 * @function create
                 * Create todo
                 * @param {Object} todo
                 * Todo object
                 * @codestart
                 * {name: 'read a book by Alfred Szklarski'}
                 * @codeend
                 * @return {Object} an object contains newly created todo
                 * @codestart
                 * {
                 *     id:   577,
                 *     name: 'read a book by Alfred Szklarski'
                 * }
                 * @codeend
                 * ### Example:
                 * @codestart
                 * var todo = new Todo({name: 'read a book by Alfred Szklarski'});
                 * todo.save(function (todo) {
                 *     console.log(todo);
                 * });
                 * @codeend
                create:  'POST /todos',

                 * @function update
                 * Update todo by id
                 * @return {Object} an object contains updated todo
                update:  'PUT /todos/{id}',

                 * @function destroy
                 * Destroy todo by id
                 * @return {Object} an object contains destroyed todo
                destroy: 'DELETE /todos/{id}'


        // Fixtures
        (function () {
            var TODOS = [
                // list of todos
                    id:   1,
                    name: 'read The Good Parts'
                    id:   2,
                    name: 'read Pro Git'
                    id:   3,
                    name: 'read Programming Ruby'

            // findAll
            $.fixture('GET /todos', function () {
                return [TODOS];

            // findOne
            $.fixture('GET /todos/{id}', function (orig) {
                return TODOS[(+orig.data.id) - 1];

            // create
            var id = 4;
            $.fixture('POST /todos', function () {
                return {
                    id: (id++)

            // update
            $.fixture('PUT /todos/{id}', function () {
                return {};

            // destroy
            $.fixture('DELETE /todos/{id}', function () {
                return {};

         * @class Todos
         * Creates a new Todos controller
         * @parent index
         * @constructor
         * @param {String} DOMElement DOM element
         * @return {Object}
        $.Controller('Todos', {
            // init method is called when new instance is created
            'init': function (element, options) {
                this.element.html('todos.ejs', Todo.findAll());

            // add event listener to strong element on click
            'li strong click': function (el, e) {
                // trigger custom event
                el.trigger('selected', el.closest('li').model());

                // log current model to the console
                console.log('li strong click', el.closest('.todo').model());

            // add event listener to em element on click
            'li .destroy click': function (el, e) {
                // call destroy on the model to prevent memory leaking

            // add event listener to Todo model on destroyed
            '{Todo} destroyed': function (Todo, e, destroyedTodo) {
                // remove element from the DOM tree

                console.log('destroyed: ', destroyedTodo);

         * @class Routing
         * Creates application router
         * @parent index
         * @constructor
         * @param {String} DOMElement DOM element
         * @return {Object}
        $.Controller('Routing', {
            init: function () {
                new Todos('#todos'),

            // the index page
            'route': function () {
                console.log('default route'),

            // handle URL witch hash
            ':id route': function (data) {
                Todo.findOne(data, $.proxy(function (todo) {
                    // increase font size for current todo item
                    todo.elements(this.element).animate({fontSize: '125%'}, 750);
                }, this));

            // add event listener on selected
            '.todo selected':  function (el, e, todo) {
                // pass todo id as a parameter to the router
                $.route.attr('id', todo.id);

        // create new Routing controller instance
        new Routing(document.body);

Type directives

Type directives represent JavaScript constructs that you may want to document:

  • @page: This adds a standalone page
  • @attribute: These are the document values on an object
  • @function: These are document functions
  • @class: This documents a class
  • @prototype: This is added to the previous class or a constructor's prototype functions
  • @static: This is added to the previous class or constructor's static functions
  • @add: This adds the docs to a class or constructor described in another file

Tag directives

Tag directives provide additional information to the comments:

  • @alias: This specifies other commonly used names for class or constructor
  • @author: This specifies the author of a class
  • @codestart: This specifies the start of a code block
  • @codeend: This specifies end of a code block
  • @constructor: This documents a contractor function and its parameters
  • @demo: This is the placeholder for an application demo
  • @description: This is used to add a short description
  • @download: This is used to adds download link
  • @iframe: This is used to add an iframe with example code
  • @hide: This hides the class view
  • @inherits: This specifies what the Class or Constructor inherits
  • @parent: This specifies under which parent the current type should be located
  • @param: This specifies a function parameter
  • @plugin: This specifies a plugin by which an object gets stolen
  • @return: This specifies what a function returns
  • @scope: This forces the current type to start the scope
  • @tag: This specifies the tags for searching
  • @test: This specifies the links for test cases
  • @type: This sets the type for the current commented code
  • @image: This adds an image
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