Level data structure

The level data for our isometric level is not just a simple 2D array with index numbers any more, but a combination of multiple data structures. We have a 2D array for the ground tiles, another 2D array for overlay tiles, and a dictionary to store altered registration points of the overlay tiles. Ground tiles are those tiles which exactly fit the isometric tile dimensions, which in this case is 80 x 40, and makes up the bottom-most layer of the isometric level. These tiles won't take part in any depth sorting as they are always rendered below all other items that populate the level.

Overlay tiles are items which may not fit into the isometric tile dimensions and have height, for instance, buildings, trees, bushes, rocks, and so on. Some of these can be fit into tile dimensions, but are kept as such that we have various advantages using the following approach:

  • We are free to place an overlay tile over any ground tile, which adds to flexibility
  • We would need a lot of tiles if we try to fit overlay tiles and ground tiles together for all permutations and combinations
  • Effects such as tinting can be applied independently to the overlay tiles
  • Depth handling becomes much easier
  • Overlay tiles which are smaller than the tile size reduce the game size

Altering registration points

Starling considers all images as rectangular blocks with their registration point at the top-left corner. The registration point is the point which can be considered as the (0,0) of that image. Traditional Flash had given us the capability to alter the registration points by embedding images inside Sprite or MovieClip. We can still do the same, but it will require unnecessary creation of a lot of Sprites. Alternately, we can use the pivotX and pivotY properties of Starling objects for the same result too. In our isometric level, we will need to precisely place overlay tiles inside the isometric grid space. An overlay tile does not have any standard size as it can be any item— a tree, building, character, and so on. So, placing them correctly is a tricky thing and very specific to the tile concerned.

This leads us to have independent registration points for each overlay tile. We use a dictionary structure to save these values and use those values as offsets while placing overlay tiles. For example, we need to place a bush image, nonwalk0009.png, exactly at the middle of an isometric grid, which means moving it 12 pixels to the left and 19 pixels to the top for proper alignment. We save (12,19) as a new point inside our dictionary for ID nonwalk0009.png, as follows:

regPoints["nonwalk0009.png"]=new Point(12,19);

Finding a tile's precise placement point needs to involve visual interaction; hence, we will build a level editor, which makes this easier.

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