
I would like to thank my wife, Dr. Nidhina Haridas, for inspiring me to aim higher and try harder. My deep thanks go to Mr. Eldhose P Mathew, CEO of Csharks, for allowing me to devote my professional time for the creation of this book. The incredible graphics for the sample game was created by Mr. Sugith Vijayan, one of Csharks' awesome artists. A big thanks to him for the same and congratulations on a work well done at such a short notice. Sincere thanks to Mr. Abhilash CV for his patience on testing all the cross-platform builds of the sample game and to the whole team at Csharks.

I wish to extend my thanks to Ville Koskela for his awesome rectangle packing algorithm, without which the real multiple screen support would never have been possible. I thank Devon O. Wolfgang, a well-known ActionScript rockstar, for helping with the technical reviewing of the book as well as his valuable advice on code revision. My sincere thanks to Mariam Dholkawala—the veteran and expert game developer—for taking her time out for reviewing the code and for providing her valuable input also at a very short notice.

Finally, the most important person, Daniel Sperl, the creator of Starling, demands my extreme gratitude. He had supported me all along with wise tips, insights, and frequent encouragement. Although being incredibly busy, he took time out to review the code and was the real inspiration behind the DynamicTextureAtlasCreator class. I am humbled by his helpfulness and inspired by this opportunity to be associated with him.

I extend my thanks to Meeta Rajani, Aboli Ambardekar, and Sruthi Kutty along with others at Packt Publishing for being extremely patient with me and helping me out at each step.

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