Plotting a pyramid chart

A pyramid chart is triangular in shape and divided into sections, with each data point representing a section. Because of the triangular shape, these sections are not equal in width, and hence the width doesn't necessarily represent the value of each data point. They are useful to show data that needs to be shown in a particular hierarchy.


To plot pyramid and funnel charts, the highcharts-4.x.x/js/modules/funnel.js script is required.

We will take the data from the previous example to plot a pyramid chart of the London 2012 Olympics budget breakdown:

$( '#chart_container' ).highcharts({
       chart: {
              type: 'pyramid',
              marginLeft: -10
       title: {
              text: 'Budget of London 2012 Olympics'
       series: [{
              name: 'Budget',
              data: [
                     ['Venues', 4607],
                     ['Olympic Village', 1919],
                     ['CT operations', 1776],
                     ['Other projects', 1421],
                     ['Transport projects', 1392],
                     ['Anticipated final costs', 1311],
                     ['Legacy projects', 1298],
                     ['Olympic parkland', 1204],
                     ['Police', 943],
                     ['Venue security', 869],
                     ['Government bodies', 696],
                     ['Contingency fund', 157],
                     ['Ceremonies', 126]

The following screenshot shows the resultant pyramid chart:

Plotting a pyramid chart
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