Adjusting ticks and other chart elements

We can adjust the interval between the ticks that appear on the y axis by using the tickInterval property:

  1. Modify the yAxis component from the previous example to set a difference of 1 between each tick:
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Revenue (in U.S. billion dollars)'
      tickInterval: 1
  2. We can also include HTML in our titles and other text properties by enabling the useHTML property. Let's point to the actual data source in our subtitle:
    subtitle: {
      text: 'Source: <a href="" title="NPD Group">NPD Group</a>; AFJV',
      useHTML: true
  3. Now, add a bit of CSS styling by using the style property:
    style: {
      color: '#000000',
      textDecoration: 'underline'

The resulting chart from the previous modification will be like the following screenshot:

Adjusting ticks and other chart elements
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