
In the concluding chapter, we learned various techniques to work with Highcharts data and data preprocessing. We looked at loading data from various file formats and formatting it to be plotted with Highcharts. We also learned to interact with a database using a server-side programming language to retrieve data and dynamically plot charts with Ajax. In the final section of this chapter, we learned about Highcharts' export module that can be used to export Highcharts into various file formats.

I hope that this book proved useful in your journey of learning Highcharts. We have covered numerous topics in this book, essential ones as well as the new features, which come packed with the new version of Highcharts, such as 3D charts, heat maps, and gauges. From basic chart types to their derivatives along with their combinations, everything has been explained in plain language to help you grasp the concepts easily. As for intermediate techniques, we have explored Highcharts APIs and events to further enhance user interactions. To further explore the topics that were not covered in this book, you can always refer to the official documentation at

With this, I thank you for reading this book and for your support. I hope to bring yet another book to explore more advanced Highcharts concepts. Till then, Good bye!

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