Creating line charts with multiple series

We can also create a line chart with multiple series just as we did with column charts in the previous chapter. We will also include the conversion rates of GBP in our chart along with USD and Euro.

Copy the code from the previous example and add a series for GBP:

  name: 'GBP',
  data: [
    [Date.UTC(2013, 08, 01), 1.5835],
    [Date.UTC(2013, 09, 01), 1.6092],
    [Date.UTC(2013, 10, 01), 1.6088],
    [Date.UTC(2013, 11, 01), 1.6368],
    [Date.UTC(2014, 00, 01), 1.6468],
    [Date.UTC(2014, 01, 01), 1.6546],
    [Date.UTC(2014, 02, 01), 1.6629]

Refresh the page and the series for GBP will now be included in the chart.

Creating line charts with multiple series

There is one problem though: if you hover over any data point of the GBP series, the tooltip will keep mentioning Euro instead of GBP:

Creating line charts with multiple series

This is because we hardcoded the series name as Euro in our tooltip's formatter() method. Change it to the following and the tooltip will start working correctly:

formatter: function() {
  var string = Highcharts.dateFormat( '%b'%y', this.x ) + '<br>';
  string += '1 ' + + ' = ' + this.y + ' USD';
  return string;

So instead of referencing the series name manually, we referenced it by using the property that will return the name of the series currently hovered over:

Creating line charts with multiple series

The tooltip now shows the conversion rate of both currencies with their respective units.

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