Highcharts events

Highcharts provides seven different events for a chart that are fired at various occasions. These events are as follows:

  • addSeries: This event is fired when a series is added to the chart after the load time.
  • click: This event is fired when you click on the plot background of the chart.
  • drilldown: This event is fired when a data point with drilldown is clicked, but before the drilldown series is added.
  • drillup: This event is fired when a chart is drilled up to a higher level.
  • load: This event is fired when a chart has finished loading.
  • redraw: This event is fired when a chart is redrawn. It also fires when a chart is redrawn by other methods such as addPoint() or addSeries().
  • selection: This event is fired when a point(s) is selected.

The handlers for these events are defined inside the chart component. These handler functions receive an object as an argument that contains information about the event. The event object is defined by the JavaScript library that is being used as Highcharts adapter, for example jQuery or MooTools. In addition to these seven events for the chart component, Highcharts also provides events for various other components such as xAxis, yAxis, and series.data. Custom event handlers can also be added to Highcharts for extended functionality. We will look at them in the next section.

You can find more about Highcharts events by visiting the following links:

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