Chapter 14. Real-time Programming

Much of the interaction between a computer system and the real world happens in real-time and so this is an important topic for developers of embedded systems. I have touched on real-time programming in several places so far: in Chapter 10, Learning About Processes and Threads, I looked at scheduling policies and priority inversion, and in Chapter 11, Managing Memory, I described the problems with page faults and the need for memory locking. Now, it is time to bring these topics together and look at real-time programming in some depth.

In this chapter, I will begin with a discussion about the characteristics of real-time systems and then consider the implications for system design, both at the application and kernel levels. I will describe the real-time kernel patch, PREEMPT_RT, and show how to get it and apply it to a mainline kernel. The last sections will describe how to characterize system latencies using two tools: cyclictest and Ftrace.

There are other ways to achieve real-time behavior on an embedded Linux device, for instance, using a dedicated micro-controller or a separate real-time kernel alongside the Linux kernel in the way that Xenomai and RTAI do. I am not going to discuss these here because the focus of this book is on using Linux as the core for embedded systems.

What is real-time?

The nature of real-time programming is one of the subjects that software engineers love to discuss at length, often giving a range of contradictory definitions. I will begin by setting out what I think is important about real-time.

A task is a real-time task if it has to complete before a certain point in time, known as the deadline. The distinction between real-time and non real-time tasks is shown by considering what happens when you play an audio stream on your computer while compiling the Linux kernel.

The first is a real-time task because there is a constant stream of data arriving at the audio driver and blocks of audio samples have to be written to the audio interface at the playback rate. Meanwhile, the compilation is not real-time because there is no deadline. You simply want it to complete as soon as possible; whether it takes 10 seconds or 10 minutes does not affect the quality of the kernel.

The other important thing to consider is the consequence of missing the deadline, which can range from mild annoyance through to system failure and death. Here are some examples:

  • Playing an audio stream: There is a deadline in the order of tens of milliseconds. If the audio buffer under-runs you will hear a click, which is annoying, but you will get over it.
  • Moving and clicking a mouse: The deadline is also in the order of tens of milliseconds. If it is missed, the mouse moves erratically and button clicks will be lost. If the problem persists, the system will become unusable.
  • Printing a piece of paper: The deadlines for the paper feed are in the millisecond range, which, if missed, may cause the printer to jam and somebody will have to go and fix it. Occasional jams are acceptable but nobody is going to buy a printer that keeps on jamming.
  • Printing sell-by dates on bottles on a production line: If one bottle is not printed the whole production line has to be halted, the bottle removed and the line restarted, which is expensive.
  • Baking a cake: There is a deadline of 30 minutes or so. If you miss it by a few minutes, the cake might be ruined. If you miss it by a large amount, the house will burn down.
  • A power surge detection system: If the system detects a surge, a circuit breaker has to be triggered within 2 milliseconds. Failing to do so causes damage to the equipment and may injure or kill personnel.

In other words, there are many consequences to missed deadlines. We often talk about these different categories:

  • soft real-time: The deadline is desirable but is sometimes missed without the system being considered a failure. First two examples are like this.
  • hard real-time: Here, missing a deadline has a serious effect. We can further subdivide hard real-time into mission-critical systems in which there is a cost to missing the deadline, such as the fourth example, and safety critical-systems in which there is a danger to life and limb, such as the last two examples. I put in the banking example to show that not all hard real-time systems have deadlines measured in microseconds.

Software written for safety-critical systems has to conform to various standards that seek to ensure that it is capable of performing reliably. It is very difficult for a complex operating system such as Linux to meet those requirements.

When it comes to mission-critical systems, it is possible, and common, for Linux to be used for a wide range of control systems. The requirements of the software depend on the combination of the deadline and the confidence level, which can usually be determined through extensive testing.

Therefore, to say that a system is real-time, you have to measure its response times under the maximum anticipated load, and show that it meets the deadline for an agreed proportion of the time. As a rule of thumb, a well configured Linux system using a mainline kernel is good for soft real-time tasks with deadlines down to tens of milliseconds and a kernel with the PREEMPT_RT patch is good for soft and hard real-time mission-critical systems with deadlines down to several hundreds of microseconds.

The key to creating a real-time system is to reduce the variability in response times so that you have greater confidence that they will not be missed; in other words, you need to make the system more deterministic. Often, this is done at the expense of performance. For example, caches make systems run faster by making the average time to access an item of data shorter, but the maximum time is longer in the case of a cache miss. Caches make a system faster but less deterministic, which is the opposite of what we want.


It is a myth of real-time computing that it is fast. This is not so, the more deterministic a system is, the lower the maximum throughput.

The remainder of this chapter is concerned with identifying the causes of latency and the things you can do to reduce it.

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