
The second big topic I want to cover in this chapter is scheduling. The Linux scheduler has a queue of threads that are ready to run and its job is to schedule them on CPUs as they become available. Each thread has a scheduling policy which may be timeshared or real-time. The timeshared threads have a niceness value which increases or reduces their entitlement to CPU time. The real-time threads have a priority such that a higher priority thread will preempt a lower one. The scheduler works with threads, not processes. Each thread is scheduled regardless of which process it is running in.

The scheduler runs when:

  • A thread blocks by calling sleep() or in a blocking I/O call
  • A timeshare thread exhausts its time slice
  • An interrupt causes a thread to be unblocked, for example, because of I/O completing

For background information on the Linux scheduler, I recommend reading the chapter on process scheduling in Linux Kernel Development, 3rd edition by Robert Love, Addison-Wesley Professional; (July 2, 2010) ISBN-10: 0672329468.

Fairness versus determinism

I have grouped the scheduling polices into categories of timeshare and real-time. Timeshare policies are based on the principal of fairness. They are designed to make sure that each thread gets a fair amount of processor time and that no thread can hog the system. If a thread runs for too long it is put to the back of the queue so that others can have a go. At the same time, a fairness policy needs to adjust to threads that are doing a lot of work and give them the resources to get the job done. Timeshare scheduling is good because of the way it automatically adjusts to a wide range of workloads.

On the other hand, if you have a real-time program, fairness is not helpful. Instead, you then want a policy that is deterministic, that will give you at least minimal guarantees that your real-time threads will be scheduled at the right time so that they don't miss their deadlines. This means that a real-time thread must preempt timeshare threads. Real-time threads also have a static priority that the scheduler can use to choose between them when there are several of them to run at once. The Linux real-time scheduler implements a fairly standard algorithm which runs the highest priority real-time thread. Most RTOS schedulers are also written in this way.

Both types of thread can coexist. Those requiring deterministic scheduling are scheduled first and the time remaining is divided between the timeshare threads.

Timeshare policies

Timeshare policies are designed for fairness. From Linux 2.6.23 onwards, the scheduler used has been the Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS). It does not use timeslices in the normal sense of the word. Instead, it calculates a running tally of the length of time a thread would be entitled to run if it had its fair share of CPU time, and balances that with the actual amount of time it has run. If it exceeds its entitlement, and there are other timeshare threads waiting to run, the scheduler will suspend the thread and run a waiting thread instead.

The timeshare policies are:

  • SCHED_NORMAL (also known as SCHED_OTHER): This is the default policy. The vast majority of Linux threads use this policy.
  • SCHED_BATCH: This is similar to SCHED_NORMAL except threads are scheduled with a larger granularity; that is they run for longer but have to wait longer until scheduled again. The intention is to reduce the number of context switches for background processing (batch jobs) and so reduce the amount of CPU cache churn.
  • SCHED_IDLE: These threads are run only when there are no threads of any other policy ready to run. It is the lowest possible priority.

There are two pairs of functions to get and set the policy and priority of a thread. The first pair takes a PID as a parameter and affects the main thread in a process:

struct sched_param {
  int sched_priority;
int sched_setscheduler(pid_t pid, int policy, const struct sched_param *param);
int sched_getscheduler(pid_t pid);

The second pair operates on pthread_t and so can change the parameters of the other threads in a process:

pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t thread, int policy, const struct sched_param *param);
pthread_getschedparam(pthread_t thread, int *policy, struct sched_param *param);


Some timeshare threads are more important than others. You can indicate this with the nice value which multiplies a thread's CPU entitlement by a scaling factor. The name comes from the function call, nice(2), which has been part of Unix since the early days. A thread becomes nice by reducing its load on the system, or moves in the opposite direction by increasing it. The range of values is from 19, which is really nice, to -20 which is really not nice. The default value is 0, which is averagely nice or so-so.

The nice value can be changed for SCHED_NORMAL and SCHED_BATCH threads. To reduce niceness, which increases the CPU load, you need the capability CAP_SYS_NICE, which is available to the root user.

Almost all the documentation for functions and commands that change the nice value (nice(2) and the nice and renice commands) talks in terms of processes. However, it really relates to threads. As mentioned in the preceding section, you can use a TID in place of a PID to change the nice value of an individual thread. One other discrepancy in the standard descriptions of nice: the nice value is referred to as the priority of a thread (or sometimes, mistakenly, a process). I believe this is misleading and confuses the concept with real-time priority which is a completely different thing.

Real-time policies

Real-time policies are intended for determinism. The real-time scheduler will always run the highest priority real-time thread that is ready to run. Real-time threads always preempt timeshare threads. In essence, by selecting a real-time policy over a timeshare policy, you are saying that you have inside knowledge of the expected scheduling of this thread and wish to override the scheduler's built-in assumptions.

There are two real-time policies:

  • SCHED_FIFO: This is a run to completion algorithm, which means that, once the thread starts to run, it will continue until it is preempted by a higher priority real-time thread or blocks in a system call or terminates (completes).
  • SCHED_RR: This is a round robin algorithm which will cycle between threads of the same priority if they exceed their time slice which, by default, is 100 ms. Since Linux 3.9, it has been possible to control the timeslice value through /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rr_timeslice_ms. Apart from this, it behaves in the same way as SCHED_FIFO.

Each real-time thread has a priority in the range 1 to 99, with 99 being the highest.

To give a thread a real-time policy, you need CAP_SYS_NICE which, by default, is given only to the root user.

One problem with real-time scheduling, both in Linux and elsewhere, is that of a thread that becomes compute bound, often because a bug has caused it to loop indefinitely, which prevents real-time threads of lower priority from running as well as all the timeshare threads. The system become erratic and may lock up completely. There are a couple of ways to guard against this possibility.

First, since Linux 2.6.25, the scheduler has, by default, reserved 5% of CPU time for non real-time threads, so that even a runaway real-time thread cannot completely halt the system. It is configured via two kernel controls:

  • /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_period_us
  • /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us

They have default values of 1,000,000 (1 second) and 950,000 (950 ms) respectively, which means that out of every second, 50ms is reserved for non real-time processing. If you want real-time threads to be able to take 100% then set sched_rt_runtime_us to -1.

The second option is to use a watchdog, either hardware or software, to monitor the execution of key threads and to take action when they begin to miss deadlines.

Choosing a policy

In practice, timeshare policies satisfy the majority of computing workloads. Threads that are I/O bound spend a lot of time blocked and so always have some spare entitlement in hand. When they unblock they will be scheduled almost immediately. Meanwhile, CPU-bound threads will naturally take up any CPU cycles left over. Positive nice values can be applied to the less important threads and negative values to the important ones.

Of course, this is only average behavior, there are no guarantees that this will always be the case. If more deterministic behavior is needed, then real-time policies will be required. The things that mark out a thread as being real-time are:

  • It has a deadline by which it must generate an output
  • Missing the deadline would compromise the effectiveness of the system
  • It is event-driven
  • It is not compute bound

Examples of real-time tasks include the classic robot arm servo controller, multimedia processing, and communication processing.

Choosing a real-time priority

Choosing real-time priorities that work for all expected workloads is a tricky business and a good reason for avoiding real-time policies in the first place.

The most widely used procedure for choosing priorities is known as Rate Monotonic Analysis (RMA), after the 1973 paper by Liu and Layland. It applies to real-time systems with periodic threads, which is a very important class. Each thread has a period, and a utilization, which is the proportion of the period it will be executing. The goal is to balance the load so that all threads can complete their execution phase before the next period. RMA states that this can be achieved if:

  • The highest priorities are given to the threads with the shortest periods
  • The total utilization is less than 69%

The total utilization is the sum of all of the individual utilizations. It also makes the assumption that the interaction between threads or the time spent blocked on mutexes and the like, is negligible.

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