
Nobody can complain that Linux lacks options to profile and trace. This chapter has given you an overview of some of the most common ones.

When faced with a system that is not performing as well as you would like, start with top and try to identify the problem. If it proves to be a single application, then you can use perf record/report to profile it, bearing in mind that you will have to configure the kernel to enable perf and you will need debug symbols for the binaries and kernel. OProfile is an alternative to perf record and can tell you similar things. gprof is, frankly, outdated but it does have the advantage of not requiring kernel support. If the problem is not so well localized, use perf (or OProfile) to get a system-wide view.

Ftrace comes into its own when you have specific questions about the behavior of the kernel. The function and function_graph tracers give a detailed view of the relationship and sequence of function calls. The event tracers allow you to extract more information about functions including the parameters and return values. LTTng performs a similar role, making use the event trace mechanism, and adds high speed ring buffers to extract large quantities of data from the kernel. Valgrind has the particular advantage that it runs code in a sandbox and can report on errors that are hard to track down in other ways.

Using the Callgrind tool, it can generate call graphs and report on processor cache usage and, with Helgrind, it can report on thread-related problems. Finally, don't forget strace. It is a good standby for finding out what system calls a program is making, from tracking file open calls to find file path names to checking for system wake ups and incoming signals.

All the while, be aware of, and try to avoid, the observer effect: make sure that the measurements you are making are valid for a production system. In the next chapter, I will continue the theme as I delve into the latency tracers that help us quantify the real-time performance of a target system.

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