Chapter 2. Learning About Toolchains

The toolchain is the first element of embedded Linux and the starting point of your project. The choices you make at this early stage will have a profound impact on the final outcome. Your toolchain should be capable of making effective use of your hardware by using the optimum instruction set for your processor, using the floating point unit if there is one, and so on. It should support the languages that you require and have a solid implementation of POSIX and other system interfaces. Not only that, but it should be updated when security flaws are discovered or bugs found. Finally, it should be constant throughout the project. In other words, once you have chosen your toolchain it is important to stick with it. Changing compilers and development libraries in an inconsistent way during a project will lead to subtle bugs.

Obtaining a toolchain is as simple as downloading and installing a package. But, the toolchain itself is a complex thing, as I will show you in this chapter.

What is a toolchain?

A toolchain is the set of tools that compiles source code into executables that can run on your target device, and includes a compiler, a linker, and run-time libraries. Initially, you need one to build the other three elements of an embedded Linux system: the bootloader, the kernel, and the root filesystem. It has to be able to compile code written in assembly, C, and C++ since these are the languages used in the base open source packages.

Usually, toolchains for Linux are based on components from the GNU project ( and that is still true in the majority of cases at the time of writing. However, over the past few years, the Clang compiler and the associated LLVM project ( have progressed to the point that it is now a viable alternative to a GNU toolchain. One major distinction between LLVM and GNU-based toolchains is in the licensing; LLVM has a BSD license, while GNU has the GPL. There are some technical advantages to Clang as well, such as faster compilation and better diagnostics, but GNU GCC has the advantage of compatibility with the existing code base and support for a wide range of architectures and operating systems. Indeed, there are still some areas where Clang cannot replace the GNU C compiler, especially when it comes to compiling a mainline Linux kernel. It is probable that, in the next year or so, Clang will be able to compile all the components needed for embedded Linux and so will become an alternative to GNU. There is a good description of how to use Clang for cross compilation at If you would like to use it as part of an embedded Linux build system, the EmbToolkit ( fully supports both GNU and LLVM/Clang toolchains and various people are working on using Clang with Buildroot and the Yocto Project. I will cover embedded build systems in Chapter 6, Selecting a Build System. Meanwhile, this chapter focuses on the GNU toolchain as it is the only complete option at this time.

A standard GNU toolchain consists of three main components:

  • Binutils: A set of binary utilities including the assembler, and the linker, ld. It is available at
  • GNU Compiler Collection (GCC): These are the compilers for C and other languages which, depending on the version of GCC, include C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java, Fortran, Ada, and Go. They all use a common back-end which produces assembler code which is fed to the GNU assembler. It is available at
  • C library: A standardized API based on the POSIX specification which is the principle interface to the operating system kernel from applications. There are several C libraries to consider, see the following section.

As well as these, you will need a copy of the Linux kernel headers, which contain definitions and constants that are needed when accessing the kernel directly. Right now, you need them to be able to compile the C library, but you will also need them later when writing programs or compiling libraries that interact with particular Linux devices, for example to display graphics via the Linux frame buffer driver. This is not simply a question of making a copy of the header files in the include directory of your kernel source code. Those headers are intended for use in the kernel only and contain definitions that will cause conflicts if used in their raw state to compile regular Linux applications.

Instead, you will need to generate a set of sanitized kernel headers which I have illustrated in Chapter 5, Building a Root Filesystem.

It is not usually crucial whether the kernel headers are generated from the exact version of Linux you are going to be using or not. Since the kernel interfaces are always backwards-compatible, it is only necessary that the headers are from a kernel that is the same as or older than the one you are using on the target.

Most people would consider the GNU debugger, GDB, to be part of the toolchain as well, and it is usual that it is built at this point. I will talk about GDB in Chapter 12, Debugging with GDB.

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