The boot sequence

In simpler times, some years ago, it was only necessary to place the bootloader in non-volatile memory at the reset vector of the processor. NOR flash memory was common at that time and, since it can be mapped directly into the address space, it was the ideal method of storage. The following diagram shows such a configuration, with the reset vector at 0xfffffffc at the top end of an area of flash memory. The bootloader is linked so that there is a jump instruction at that location that points to the start of the bootloader code:

The boot sequence

Boot in the old days

From that point, it can initialize the memory controller so that the main memory, the DRAM, becomes available and copies itself into DRAM. Once fully operational, the bootloader can load the kernel from flash memory into DRAM and transfer control to it.

However, once you move away from a simple linearly addressable storage medium like NOR flash, the boot sequence becomes a complex, multi-stage procedure. The details are very specific to each SoC, but they generally follow each of the following phases.

Phase 1: ROM code

In the absence of reliable external memory, the code that runs immediately after a reset or power-on has to be stored on-chip in the SoC; this is known as ROM code. It is programmed into the chip when it is manufactured, hence ROM code is proprietary and cannot be replaced by an open source equivalent. The ROM code can make very few assumptions about any hardware that is not on the chip, because it will be different from one design to another. This applies even to the DRAM chips used for the main system memory. Consequently, the only RAM that the ROM code has access to is the small amount of static RAM (SRAM) found in most SoC designs. The size of the SRAM varies from as little as 4 KiB up to a few hundred KiB:

Phase 1: ROM code

Phase 1 bootloader

The ROM code is capable of loading a small chunk of code from one of several preprogrammed locations into the SRAM. As an example, TI OMAP and Sitara chips will try to load code from the first few pages of NAND flash memory, or from flash memory connected through SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), or from the first sectors of an MMC device (which could be an eMMC chip or an SD card), or from a file named MLO on the first partition of an MMC device. If reading from all of those memory devices fails, then it will try reading a byte stream from Ethernet, USB, or UART; the latter is provided mainly as a means of loading code into flash memory during production rather than for use in normal operation. Most embedded SoCs have ROM code that works in a similar way. In SoCs where the SRAM is not large enough to load a full bootloader like U-Boot, there has to be an intermediate loader called the secondary program loader, or SPL.

At the end of this phase, the next stage bootloader is present in on-chip memory and the ROM code jumps to the beginning of that code.

Phase 2: SPL

The SPL must set up the memory controller and other essential parts of the system preparatory to loading the third stage program loader (TPL) into main memory, the DRAM. The functionality of the SPL is limited by its size. It can read a program from a list of storage devices, as can the ROM code, once again using preprogrammed offsets from the start of a flash device, or a well known file name such as u-boot.bin. The SPL usually doesn't allow for any user interaction but it may print version information and progress messages which you will see on the console. The following diagram explains the phase 2 architecture:

Phase 2: SPL

Second stage boot

The SPL may be open source, as is the case with the TI x-loader and Atmel AT91Bootstrap, but it is quite common for it to contain proprietary code that is supplied by the manufacturer as a binary blob.

At the end of the second phase, the third stage loader is present in DRAM, and the SPL can make a jump to that area.

Phase 3: TPL

Now, at last, we are running a full bootloader like U-Boot or Barebox. Usually, there is a simple command-line user interface that will let you perform maintenance tasks such as loading new boot and kernel images into flash storage, loading and booting a kernel, and there is a way to load the kernel automatically without user intervention. The following diagram explains the phase 3 architecture:

Phase 3: TPL

Third stage boot

At the end of the third phase, there is a kernel in memory, waiting to be started. Embedded bootloaders usually disappear from memory once the kernel is running and perform no further part in the operation of the system.

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