Chapter 7. Creating a Storage Strategy

The mass storage options for embedded devices have a great impact on the rest of the system in terms of robustness, speed, and methods of in-field updates.

Most devices employ flash memory in some form or other. Flash memory has become much less expensive over the past few years as storage capacities have increased from tens of megabytes to tens of gigabytes.

In this chapter, I will begin with a detailed look at the technology behind flash memory and how different memory organization affects the low level driver software that has to manage it, including the Linux memory technology device layer, MTD.

For each flash technology, there are different choices of filesystem. I will describe those most commonly found on embedded devices and complete the survey with a section giving a summary of choices for each type of flash.

The last sections consider techniques to make the best use of flash memory, look at how to update devices in the field, and draw everything together into a coherent storage strategy.

Storage options

Embedded devices need storage that takes little power, is physically compact, robust, and reliable over a lifetime of perhaps tens of years. In almost all cases, that means solid state storage, which was introduced many years ago with read-only memory (ROM), but for the past 20 years it has been flash memory of some kind. There have been several generations of flash memory in that time, progressing from NOR to NAND to managed flash such as eMMC.

NOR flash is expensive but reliable and can be mapped into the CPU address space, which allows you to execute code directly from flash. NOR flash chips are low-capacity, ranging from a few megabytes to a gigabyte or so.

NAND flash memory is much cheaper than NOR and is available in higher capacities, in the range of tens of megabytes to tens of gigabytes. However, it needs a lot of hardware and software support to turn it into a useful storage medium.

Managed flash memory consists of one or more NAND flash chips packaged with a controller which handles the complexities of flash memory and presents a hardware interface similar to that of a hard disk. The attraction is that it removes complexity from the driver software and insulates the system designer against the frequent changes in flash technology. SD cards, eMMC chips, and USB flash drives fit into this category. Almost all of the current generation of smartphones and tablets have eMMC storage, and that trend is likely to progress with other categories of embedded devices.

Hard drives are seldom found in embedded systems. One exception is digital video recording in set-top boxes and smart TVs in which a large amount of storage is needed with fast write times.

In all cases, robustness is of prime importance: you want the device to boot and reach a functional state despite power failures and unexpected resets. You should choose filesystems that behave well under such circumstances.

NOR flash

The memory cells in NOR flash chips are arranged into erase blocks of, for example, 128 KiB. Erasing a block sets all the bits to 1. It can be programmed one word at a time (8, 16 or 32 bits, depending on the data bus width). Each erase cycle damages the memory cells slightly and, after a number of cycles, the erase block becomes unreliable and cannot be used anymore. The maximum number of erase cycles should be given in the data sheet for the chip but is usually in the range of 100K to 1M.

The data can be read word by word. The chip is usually mapped into the CPU address space which means that you can execute code directly from NOR flash. This makes it a convenient place to put the bootloader code as it needs no initialization beyond hardwiring the address mapping. SoCs that support NOR flash in this way have configurations that give a default memory mapping such that it encompasses the reset vector of the CPU.

The kernel, and even the root filesystem, can also be located in flash memory, avoiding the need for copying them into RAM and thus creating devices with small memory footprints. The technique is known as eXecute In Place, or XIP. It is very specialized and I will not examine it further here. There are some references at the end of the chapter.

There is a standard register-level interface for NOR flash chips called the common flash interface or CFI, which all modern chips support.

NAND flash

NAND flash is much cheaper than NOR flash and has a higher capacity. First generation NAND chips stored one bit per memory cell in what is now known as an SLC or single level cell organization. Later generations moved on to two bits per cell in multi-level cell (MLC) chips and now to three bits per cell in tri-level cell (TLC) chips. As the number of bits per cell has increased, the reliability of the storage has decreased, requiring more complex controller hardware and software to compensate.

As with NOR flash, NAND flash is organized into erase blocks ranging in size from 16 KiB to 512 KiB and, once again, erasing a block sets all the bits to 1. However, the number of erase cycles before the block becomes unreliable is lower, typically as few as 1K cycles for TLC chips and up to 100K for SLC. NAND flash can only be read and written in pages, usually of 2 or 4 KiB. Since they cannot be accessed byte-by-byte, they cannot be mapped into the address space and so code and data have to be copied into RAM before they can be accessed.

Data transfers to and from the chip are prone to bit flips, which can be detected and corrected using Error Correction Codes. SLC chips generally use a simple hamming code which can be implemented efficiently in software and can correct a single bit error in a page read. MLC and TLC chips need more sophisticated codes such as BCH (Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem) which can correct up to 8-bit errors per page. These need hardware support.

The error correction codes have to be stored somewhere and so there is an extra area of memory per page known as the out of band (OOB) area, or also the spare area. MLC designs usually have 1 byte of OOB per 32 bytes of main storage so, for a 2 KiB page device, the OOB is 64 bytes per page and for a 4 KiB page, 128 bytes. MLC and TLC chips have proportionally larger OOB areas to accommodate more complex error correction codes. The following diagram shows the organization of a chip with a 128 KiB erase block and 2 KiB pages:

NAND flash

During production, the manufacturer tests all the blocks and marks any that fail by setting a flag in the OOB area of each page in the block. It is not uncommon to find that brand new chips have up to 2% of their blocks marked bad in this way. Furthermore, it is within the specification for a similar proportion of blocks to give errors on erase before the erase cycle limit is reached. The NAND flash driver should detect this and mark it as bad.

After space has been taken in the OOB area for a bad block flag and ECC bytes, there are still some bytes left. Some flash filesystems make use of these free bytes to store filesystem metadata. Consequently, lots of people are interested in the layout of the OOB area: the SoC ROM boot code, the bootloader, the kernel MTD driver, the filesystem code, and the tools to create filesystem images. There is not much standardization so it is easy to get into a situation in which the bootloader writes data using an OOB format that cannot be read by the kernel MTD driver. It is up to you to make sure that they all agree.

Access to NAND flash chips requires a NAND flash controller, which is usually part of the SoC. You will need the corresponding driver in the bootloader and kernel. The NAND flash controller handles the hardware interface to the chip, transferring data to and from pages, and may include hardware for error correction.

There is a standard register-level interface for NAND flash chips known as the open NAND flash interface or ONFi which most modern chips adhere to. See

Managed flash

The burden of supporting flash memory in the operating system, NAND in particular, becomes less if there is a well-defined hardware interface and a standard flash controller that hides the complexities of the memory. This is managed flash memory and it is becoming more and more common. In essence, it means combining one or more flash chips with a micro controller that offers an ideal storage device with a small sector size that is compatible with conventional filesystems. The most important types of managed flash for embedded systems are Secure Digital (SD) cards and the embedded variant known as eMMC.

MultiMediaCard and secure digital cards

The MultiMediaCard (MMC) was introduced in 1997 by SanDisk and Siemens as a form of packaged storage using flash memory. Shortly after, in 1999, SanDisk, Matsushita, and Toshiba created the SD card which is based on MMC but adds encryption and DRM (that is the secure part). Both were intended for consumer electronics such as digital cameras, music players, and similar devices. Currently, SD cards are the dominant form of managed flash for consumer and embedded electronics, even though the encryption features are seldom used. Newer versions of the SD specification allow for smaller packaging (mini SD and micro SD which is often written as uSD) and larger capacities: high capacity, SDHC, up to 32 GB and extended capacity, SDXC, up to 2 TB.

The hardware interface for MMC and SD cards is very similar, and it is possible to use fully-sized MMC in full-sized SD card slots (but not the other way round). Early incarnations used a 1-bit Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI); more recent cards use a 4-bit interface. There is a command set for reading and writing memory in sectors of 512 bytes. Inside the package there is a microcontroller and one or more NAND flash chips, as shown in the diagram that follows:

MultiMediaCard and secure digital cards

The microcontroller implements the command set and manages the flash memory, performing the function of a flash translation layer, as described later on in this chapter. They are pre-formatted with a FAT filesystem: FAT16 on SDSC cards, FAT32 on SDHC, and exFAT on SDXC. The quality of the NAND flash chips and the software on the microcontroller varies greatly between cards. It is questionable whether any of them are sufficiently reliable for deep embedded use, and certainly not with a FAT filesystem which is prone to file corruption. Remember that the prime use case for MMC and SD cards is for removable storage on cameras, tablets, and phones.


eMMC or Embedded MMC is simply MMC memory packaged so that it can be soldered on to the motherboard, using a 4- or 8-bit interface for data transfer. However, they are intended to be used as storage for an operating system so the components are capable of performing that task. The chips are usually not pre-formatted with any filesystem.

Other types of managed flash

One of the first managed flash technologies was CompactFlash (CF), using a subset of the PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) interface. CF exposes the memory through a parallel ATA interface and appears to the operating system as a standard hard disk. They are common in x86-based single board computers and professional video and camera equipment.

One other format which we use every day is the USB flash drive. In this case, the memory is accessed through a USB interface and the controller implements the USB mass storage specification as well as the flash translation layer and interface to the flash chip or chips. The USB mass storage protocol, in turn, is based on the SCSI disk command set. As with MMC and SD cards, they are usually pre-formatted with a FAT filesystem. Their main use case in embedded systems is exchanging data with PCs.


A recent addition to the list of options for managed flash storage is universal flash storage (UFS). Like eMMC, it is packaged in a chip that is mounted on the motherboard. It has a high-speed serial interface and can achieve data rates greater than eMMC. It supports a SCSI disk command set.

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