Updating in the field

There have been several well-publicized security flaws, including Heartbleed (a bug in the OpenSSL libraries) and Shellshock (a bug in the bash shell), both of which could have serious consequences for embedded Linux devices that are currently deployed. For this reason alone, it is highly desirable to have a mechanism to update devices in the field so that you can fix security problems as they arise. There are other good reasons as well: to deploy other bug fixes and feature updates.

The guiding principle of update mechanisms is that they should do no harm, remembering Murphy's Law: if it can go wrong, it will go wrong, eventually. Any update mechanism must be:

  • Robust: It must not render the device inoperable. I will talk about updates being atomic; either the system is updated successfully or not updated at all and continues to run as before.
  • Failsafe: It must handle interrupted updates gracefully.
  • Secure: It must not allow unauthorized updates, otherwise it will become an attack mechanism.

Atomicity can be achieved by having duplicates of the things you want to update and switching to the new copy when safe to do so.

Failsafety requires there to be a mechanism to detect a failed update, such as a hardware watchdog, and a known good copy of software to fall back on.

Security can be achieved in the case of updates that are local and attended through authentication by a password or PIN code. But, if the update is remote and automatic, some level of authentication via the network is needed. Ultimately, you may want to add a secure bootloader and signed update binaries.

Some components are easier to update than others. The bootloader is very difficult to update since there are usually hardware constraints that mean there can only be one bootloader, and so there cannot be a backup if the update fails. On the other hand, bootloaders are not often a cause of runtime bugs. The best advice is to avoid bootloader updates in the field.

Granularity: file, package, or image?

This is the big question, and depends on your overall system design and your desired level of robustness.

File updates can be made atomic: the technique is to write the new content to a temporary file in the same filesystem and then use the POSIX rename(2) function to move it over the old file. It works because rename is guaranteed to be atomic. However, this is only one part of the problem because there will be dependencies between files which need to be considered.

Updating at the level of packages (RPM, dpkg, or ipk) is a better option, assuming that you have a runtime package manager. This, after all, is how desktop distributions have been doing it for years. The package manager has a database of updates and can keep track of those which have been updated and those that haven't. Each package has an update script that is designed to make sure that the package update is atomic. The great advantage is that you can update existing packages, install new ones, and delete obsolete ones with ease. If you are using a root filesystem that is mounted as read-only, you will have to temporarily remount read-write while updating, which opens up a small window for corruption.

Package managers do have downsides as well. They are not able to update kernel or other images in raw flash memory. After devices have been deployed and updated several times, you may end up with a large number of combinations of packages and package versions, which will complicate QA for each new update cycle. Package managers are not bulletproof in the event of power failure during an update.

The third option is to update whole system images: the kernel, the root filesystem, user applications, and so on.

Atomic image update

In order to make the update atomic, we need two things: a second copy of the operating system that can be used during the update, and a mechanism in the bootloader to select which copy of the operating system to load. The second copy may be exactly the same as the first, resulting in full redundancy of the operating system, or it may be a small operating system dedicated to updating the main one.

In the first scheme ,there are two copies of the operating system, each comprised of the Linux kernel, the root filesystem, and system applications, as shown in the following diagram:

Atomic image update

Initially, the boot flag is not set, so the bootloader loads copy 1. To install an update, the updater application, which is part of the operating system, overwrites copy 2. When complete, it sets the boot flag and reboots. Now, the bootloader will load the new operating system. When a further update is installed, the updater in copy 2 overwrites copy 1 and clears the boot flag and so you ping-pong between the two copies.

If an update fails, the boot flag is not changed and the last good operating system is used. Even if the update consists of several components, a kernel image, a DTB, a root filesystem, and a system application filesystem, the whole update is atomic because the boot flag is only updated when all updates are completed.

The main drawback with this scheme is that it requires storage for two copies of the operating system.

You can reduce storage requirements by keeping a minimal operating system purely for updating the main one, as shown in the following diagram:

Atomic image update

When you want to install an update, set the boot flag and reboot. Once the recovery operating system is running, it starts the updater which overwrites the main operating system images. When done, it clears the boot flag and reboots again, this time loading the new main operating system.

The recovery operating system is usually a lot smaller than the main operating system, maybe only a few megabytes, and so the storage overhead is not great. In fact, this is the scheme adopted by Android. The main operating system is several hundred megabytes, but the recovery mode operating system is a simple ramdisk of a few megabytes only.

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