PageRank: Django view and the algorithm code

To rank the importance of the online reviews, we have implemented the PageRank algorithm (see Chapter 4, Web Mining Techniques, in the Ranking: PageRank algorithm section) into the application. The file in the pgrank folder within the webmining_server folder implements the algorithm that follows:

from pages.models import Page,SearchTerm

num_iterations = 100000
D = 0.85

def pgrank(searchid):
    s = SearchTerm.objects.get(id=int(searchid))
    links = s.links.all()
    from_idxs = [i.from_id for i in links ]
    # Find the idxs that receive page rank 
    links_received = []
    to_idxs = []
    for l in links:
        from_id = l.from_id
        to_id = l.to_id
        if from_id not in from_idxs: continue
        if to_id  not in from_idxs: continue
        if to_id  not in to_idxs: to_idxs.append(to_id)
    pages = s.pages.all()
    prev_ranks = dict()
    for node in from_idxs:
        ptmp  = Page.objects.get(id=node)
        prev_ranks[node] = ptmp.old_rank
    while conv>eps or cnt<num_iterations:
        next_ranks = dict()
        total = 0.0
        for (node,old_rank) in prev_ranks.items():
            total += old_rank
            next_ranks[node] = 0.0
        #find the outbound links and send the pagerank down to each of them
        for (node, old_rank) in prev_ranks.items():
            give_idxs = []
            for (from_id, to_id) in links_received:
                if from_id != node: continue
                if to_id  not in to_idxs: continue
            if (len(give_idxs) < 1): continue
            amount = D*old_rank/len(give_idxs)
            for id in give_idxs:
                next_ranks[id] += amount
        tot = 0
        for (node,next_rank) in next_ranks.items():
            tot += next_rank
        const = (1-D)/ len(next_ranks)
        for node in next_ranks:
            next_ranks[node] += const
        tot = 0
        for (node,old_rank) in next_ranks.items():
            tot += next_rank
        difftot = 0
        for (node, old_rank) in prev_ranks.items():
            new_rank = next_ranks[node]
            diff = abs(old_rank-new_rank)
            difftot += diff
        conv= difftot/len(prev_ranks)
        prev_ranks = next_ranks

    for (id,new_rank) in next_ranks.items():
        ptmp = Page.objects.get(id=id)
        url = ptmp.url
    for (id,new_rank) in next_ranks.items():
        ptmp = Page.objects.get(id=id)
        ptmp.old_rank = ptmp.new_rank
        ptmp.new_rank = new_rank

This code takes all the links stores associated with the given SearchTerm object and implements the PageRank score for each page i at time t, where P(i) is given by the recursive equation:

PageRank: Django view and the algorithm code

Here, N is the total number of pages, and PageRank: Django view and the algorithm code(Nj is the number of out links of page j) if page j points to i; otherwise, N is 0. The parameter D is the so-called damping factor (set to 0.85 in the preceding code), and it represents the probability to follow the transition given by the transition matrix A. The equation is iterated until the convergence parameter eps is satisfied or the maximum number of iterations, num_iterations, is reached. The algorithm is called by clicking either scrape and calculate page rank (may take a long time) or calculate page rank links at the bottom of the home.html page after the sentiment of the movie reviews has been displayed. The link is linked to the function pgrank_view in the (through the declared URL in url(r'^pg-rank/(?P<pk>d+)/','webmining_server.views.pgrank_view', name='pgrank_view')):

def pgrank_view(request,pk): 
    context = {}
    get_data = request.GET
    scrape = get_data.get('scrape','False')
    s = SearchTerm.objects.get(id=pk)
    if scrape == 'True':
        pages = s.pages.all().filter(review=True)
        urls = []
        for u in pages:
        cmd = 'cd ../scrapy_spider & scrapy crawl scrapy_spider_recursive -a url_list=%s -a search_id=%s' %('"'+str(','.join(urls[:]).encode('utf-8'))+'"','"'+str(pk)+'"')

    links = s.links.all()
    if len(links)==0:
       context['no_links'] = True
       return render_to_response(
           'movie_reviews/pg-rank.html', RequestContext(request, context))
    #calc pgranks
    #load pgranks in descending order of pagerank
    pages_ordered = s.pages.all().filter(review=True).order_by('-new_rank')
    context['pages'] = pages_ordered
    return render_to_response(
        'movie_reviews/pg-rank.html', RequestContext(request, context)) 

This code calls the crawler to collect all the linked pages to the reviews and calculate the PageRank scores using the code discussed earlier. Then the scores are displayed in the pg-rank.html page (in descending order by page rank score) as we showed in the Application usage overview section of this chapter. Since this function can take a long time to process (to crawl thousands of pages), the command has been written to run the Scrapy crawler (the reader is invited to read or modify the script as they like as an exercise).

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