An Introduction to the Lyapunov Stability of Nonlinear Fractional Order Systems

10.1. Introduction

In automatic control, the main interest of the Lyapunov approach concerns the stability analysis of nonlinear systems. Many works are devoted to this topic, particularly those reported in three famous monographs [SLO 91, KHA 96, SAS 10], which can be considered as references. As it was highlighted previously (see Chapter 8), the Lyapunov stability of nonlinear fractional systems has motivated many conference and journal papers, long before the linear case receives a satisfying solution [MOM 04, FAH 12, WAN 09, CHE 14, LI 14, HUL 15]. A famous paper [LI 09, LI 10], which has been cited in many other papers [SAD 10, FAH 11], is a good example of these publications. It deals with the stability of nonlinear fractional systems, based on the concept of Mittag-Leffler stability. In fact, it is the adaptation to the fractional case of a work by Khalil [KHA 96]. However, as the question of the system initial conditions, obviously fundamental either in the integer order case or the fractional case, relies on Caputo’s definition, this approach is questionable with respect to its generalization.

Therefore, according to our approach in this monograph, we intend to propose an introduction to the Lyapunov stability of nonlinear fractional systems, certainly modest, but motivated by a concern for rigor, based on the main results of the linear case.

As the nonlinear domain is a large topic, the main definitions will not be mentioned here; therefore, the reader is referred to previous monographs [SLO 91, KHA 96, SAS 10]. Moreover, this introduction is restricted to nonlinear autonomous system, characterized by the nonlinear differential equation:

[10.1] image

with either commensurate or non-commensurate orders.

This introduction begins with the indirect Lyapunov method, based on a local approximation around the equilibrium point, which makes it possible to test system local stability.

The choice of an appropriate Lyapunov function is a fundamental problem of the nonlinear case, either integer order or fractional order [LYA 07, LAS 61, KRA 63]. This methodology is usually known as the direct Lyapunov method. The variable gradient method [GIB 63] makes it possible to build such a Lyapunov function. We intend to demonstrate how this methodology can be adapted to the fractional case, using two examples [TRI 11b].

Finally, we consider non-commensurate and nonlinear fractional order systems, using the energy balance approach used in the previous chapter. This presentation is based on the well-known Van der Pol oscillator example [KHA 96, MUL 09]. Our methodology makes it possible to define the stability condition and to propose an approximate characterization of the limit cycle [MAA 16].

10.2. Indirect Lyapunov method

10.2.1. Introduction

The indirect Lyapunov method is based on a local approximation of the nonlinear system around its equilibrium point [KHA 96]. It makes it possible to conclude on the local stability of this equilibrium point. We propose an adaptation of this methodology to nonlinear commensurate order fractional systems.

10.2.2. Linearization

Consider the nonlinear commensurate order fractional system

Let image be the equilibrium point.

Therefore, the nonlinear system is linearized around image using the development of

[10.3] image

Since the terms linearly depending on image are in image, image decays more than image (see Figure 10.1), i.e.

[10.4] image

Figure 10.1. Comparison of image and image

This means that for any image, we have

[10.5] image

10.2.3. Nonlinear system analysis

System [10.2] is equivalent to

corresponding to the linearized model

In the vicinity of image, system [10.6] behaves as [10.7].

System [10.6] can be expressed using a distributed model with internal variables (ω, t):

[10.8] image

Let V(t) be the Lyapunov function of a commensurate order fractional system (see Chapter 8):

[10.9] image


[10.10] image


[10.11] image

Note that image is a scalar.


[10.12] image


Note that

[10.14] image

Therefore, using the Schwarz inequality [KHA 96, SCH 98]

[10.15] image

Thus, we can write

[10.16] image

Since (see Figure 10.1)

[10.17] image

we obtain

[10.18] image

Therefore, we can write

If the eigenvalues of A are negative or with a negative real part, then (ATP + PA) < 0 with P = PT > 0, which means that the linearized system [10.7] is stable ∀n 0 < n < 1.

The term image (or image) limits the negative value of image in [10.13] (or in [10.19]). Thus, there is a limit value of γ > 0 such that image is no longer negative and the nonlinear system [10.2] is unstable.

Let us recall that for N = 2 (see Chapter 8), we have demonstrated that image can be positive (when the real parts of the eigenvalues of A are positive) but image remains negative thanks to the term image (caused by dissipation in the fractional integrators – see Chapter 9). This means that there is a limit value of γ such that the nonlinear system remains stable, with a damped oscillating behavior, depending on the value of the fractional order n (0 < n < 1).

10.2.4. Local stability of a one-derivative nonlinear fractional system

Consider the nonlinear system [TRI 11b]:


[10.21] image


[10.22] image


[10.23] image


[10.24] image

which is presented in the graphs of Figure 10.2.

Note that image, where x = 0 is the equilibrium point.

Therefore, we can write

[10.25] image

The linearized system corresponds to

[10.26] image

Figure 10.2. System nonlinearity

The nonlinear system [10.20] corresponds to the distributed model

[10.27] image

Consider the Lyapunov function

[10.28] image


[10.29] image

and the linearized system corresponds to

[10.30] image

This linearized system is stable since b < 0.

The nonlinear system remains stable as long as

[10.31] image


[10.32] image

ie. if

[10.33] image

which corresponds to

[10.34] image

REMARK 1.– Using the notations of section 10.2.3, we can compare image and image, i.e. bx(t) and ax3 (t) (see Figure 10.1).

Thus, we can write

[10.35] image


[10.36] image


[10.37] image


[10.38] image

which defines the stability domain of [10.20] (see Figure 10.3).


Figure 10.3. Stability domain

10.3. Lyapunov direct method

10.3.1. Introduction

The Lyapunov direct method relies on the appropriate choice of a Lyapunov function V(t), allowing the analysis of global stability: obviously, it is a very large domain of research [LAS 61, KRA 63]. The variable gradient method, proposed by Schultz and Gibson [GIB 63, NAS 68, SLO 91], provides a response to this problem. After a recall of this methodology in the integer order case, we propose to adapt it to the fractional order case, using two numerical examples.

10.3.2. The variable gradient method

A scalar function image is connected to its gradient image through the integral


[10.40] image

The reconstruction of image from its gradient requires that its components verify the curl condition [KOR 68]

The principle of the variable gradient method is to assume a specific form for the gradient image instead of assuming a form for the Lyapunov function image.

A simple solution is to assume that the gradient is of the form

where the coefficients ai,j have to be determined.

This leads to the following procedure:

  • – assume that image is given by [10.42];
  • – solve for the coefficients ai,j, with constraint [10.41];
  • – restrict the coefficients in [10.42] so that image is negative definite;
  • – compute V from image by integration [10.39];
  • – check whether V is positive definite.

10.3.3. Nonlinear system with one derivative

Consider again the example of section 10.2.4:


[10.44] image

In the monovariable case, image has only one component.

The distributed model is

[10.45] image

We have to separate the monochromatic Lyapunov function v(ω, t) [TRI 11b] and the global one V(t) such that

Let image be the gradient of v(ω, t) and assume that

[10.47] image


[10.48] image

Finally, using [10.46], we obtain

[10.49] image


The first term is always negative for α > 0. We have previously demonstrated that a linear system with one fractional derivative (Chapter 8) is stable if the second term is itself negative.

Thus, it is necessary to check whether

[10.51] image

or equivalently

[10.52] image


[10.53] image

In addition, we have to determine v(ω, t) and V(t).


[10.54] image


[10.55] image

The function V(t) is positive definite if α > 0 (with α arbitrary).

The nonlinear system [10.43] is globally stable if x(t) verifies the condition

This condition is the same as the condition in example 10.2.4.

REMARK 2.– It is important to note that the stability condition [10.56] is conservative because it does not take into account the influence of z(ω, t) in the negative term image of equation [10.50].

In order to remove this conservatism, it would be necessary to analyze the influence of initial conditions on stability, i.e. z(ω, 0) with this example.

However, it is another fundamental issue, which is beyond the limited objectives of Chapter 10.

10.3.4. Nonlinear system with two fractional derivatives

Consider the commensurate order nonlinear system

This model is derived from the model proposed by Shultz and Gibson [GIB 63].

Its distributed model, with internal variables z1(ω, t) and z2(ω, t), is

Let v(ω, t) be the monochromatic quadratic function, depending on the frequency ω, and V(t) be the global Lyapunov function

[10.59] image

Let us define

[10.60] image

We know that

Let us define

[10.62] image

Assume that image is of the form


[10.64] image

It is possible to impose a22 = 2 (see [GIB 63, SLO 91]).

Then, [10.61] can be written as

[10.65] image


[10.66] image

we obtain

[10.67] image

Let us define

[10.68] image


[10.69] image

Note that (it will verify a posteriori):

[10.70] image


[10.71] image

Let us return to image.

According to [10.63], we obtain

[10.72] image

Let us define the Jacobian of image

[10.73] image

Ψ has to verify the curl condition [10.41], i.e. image.

Since image and image, we have to impose

[10.74] image

Let us define a priori a12 = a21 =1, then

[10.75] image

We obtain v(ω, t) using equation [10.61]

REMARK 3.– x1(t) is computed from z1(ω, t) using the weighted integral of [10.58], idem for x2(t).

Therefore, x1(t) is a “constant” (with respect to ω) considering z1(ω, t), idem for x2(t) considering z2(ω, t).

We calculate the integral [10.76] defining a path from {0,0} to {z1(ω, t), z2(ω, t)}.


[10.77] image


[10.78] image


[10.79] image

Let us note that

[10.80] image


[10.81] image

It is easy to verify that for P > 0, V(t) is a positive definite quadratic form.

We can verify the previous calculation.

With image and a12 = a21 = 1, we obtain

[10.82] image


[10.83] image

This means that

[10.84] image

Thus, the nonlinear system [10.57] is globally stable.

10.4. The Van der Pol oscillator

10.4.1. Electrical nonlinear system

The electrical nonlinear system is presented in Figure 10.4. It corresponds to a fractional differential system, where Lf is a fractional inductor

It is a negative resistance oscillator [KHA 96, AUV 80, CHA 82], which is characterized by the nonlinear equation i = f(v)

[10.86] image
[10.87] image

image, where –R is a negative resistor.


Figure 10.4. Fractional Van der Pol oscillator

10.4.2. Van der Pol oscillator

The nonlinear system [10.85] is modeled with two variables iL(t) and v(t). The elimination of iL(t) leads to the classical Van der Pol equation [KHA 96, PET 11] in connection with chaotic systems [HAR 95, STR 15].

since δi = G(v) δv, we obtain

[10.89] image


[10.90] image

we obtain the standard fractional Van der Pol equation [BAR 07]

[10.91] image

10.4.3. Simulation of the nonlinear system

System [10.85] is more general than equation [10.88], and better suited for its analysis and simulation by the energy balance approach (Chapter 9). A first objective is to simulate its dynamical behavior. This system can be written as

Then, using the distributed variable z(ω, t) associated with the fractional integrator image, the first equation of [10.92] is equivalent to

[10.93] image

This system is frequency discretized using the technique presented in (see Chapter 2 of Volume 1). Thus, we can simulate the nonlinear system.

10.4.4. Limit cycle

Simulation is performed with the following values [MAA 16]:

[10.94] image

Thus, we obtain the different phase portraits of the Van Der Pol oscillator.

In Figure 10.5, the limit cycles are plotted with increasing values of order n, from 0.5 to 1, with α = 1 and the initial conditions v(0) = 0.5 z(ω, 0) =0 ∀ω. In Figure 10.6, for a fixed value of the order (n = 0.5), the same limit cycles are plotted with increasing values of α, from 0.9 to 5.


Figure 10.5. Influence of the fractional order n. For a color version of the figures in this chapter see www.iste.co.uk/trigeassou/analysis2.zip


Figure 10.6. Influence of the parameter α

For n close to 1, and large values of α, the limit cycles correspond to the usual Van der Pol ones (see [BAR 07]). On the contrary, for lower values of α, the limit cycles are approximately ellipsoidal and require α > αlim.

Therefore, the objective of the next sections is to analyze and predict these results.

10.5. Analysis of local stability

10.5.1. Linearization

The nonlinear system [10.85] can be expressed as

[10.95] image

The equilibrium point of the nonlinear system is image.

Let us define

[10.96] image
[10.97] image

Thus, the linearized system corresponds to

[10.98] image

10.5.2. Local stability

Let us define the Lyapunov function (see Chapter 9)

V(t)=EL(t) + EC(t) with

[10.99] image
[10.100] image

Therefore, the derivative of the Lyapunov function is

[10.101] image

Let us recall (Chapter 9) that the first term represents the distributed internal Joule losses of the fractional inductor, whereas the second term corresponds to external Joule loss in the negative resistor G(0) = –α = –1/R.

This Joule loss compensates the internal losses in Lf when

[10.102] image

Thus, a constant amplitude oscillation v(t) = Vejγt appears, where γ is the oscillation frequency. Derivation of frequency oscillation

At the stability limit (Chapter 9)

[10.103] image

and v(t) = Vejγt.

According to Chapter 9, we obtain

[10.104] image



[10.106] image

Since (Appendix A.9.3.)

[10.107] image

and image

we obtain the oscillation frequency Stability condition

The system remains stable if image. This condition is equivalent to

[10.109] image

αlim is obtained at the stability limit, using equation [10.105].

Since (Appendix A.9.3.):

[10.110] image

we obtain

The system remains stable if α < αlim.

REMARK 4.– If n = 1, then αlim = 0. Thus, in the integer order case, the Van der Pol oscillator is unstable ∀ α ≥ 0. On the contrary, the instability of the fractional Van der Pol oscillator requires the condition ααlim.

10.5.3. Validation of stability results

Consider the numerical values

[10.112] image

Then, equations [10.108, 10.111] provide

[10.113] image

Figure 10.7. Stability of the Van der Pol system

In Figure 10.7, the limit cycles {iL(t),v(t)} for α = { 0.4; 0.8;1 } are plotted with the initial conditions v(0) = 0.25; z(ω, 0) = 0 ∀ ω.

For α = 0.4 < αlim, we observe that the nonlinear system is stable.

For α = 0.8 ≈ αlim, the system is at the stability limit; therefore, we obtain a constant amplitude sinusoid v(t)=Vejγt characterized by an ellipsoidal phase portrait. Note that the amplitude of this ellipse depends on the initial conditions.

Then, for α = 1 > αlim, the system is unstable, and the amplitude of the limit cycle is independent of the initial conditions.

10.6. Large signal analysis

10.6.1. Introduction

Small signal analysis has demonstrated that the Van der Pol oscillator provides a constant amplitude oscillation v(t) = Vejγt for α = αlim. For ααlim, this oscillation is nonlinear and characterized by a limit cycle. Consequently, our objective is to determine the amplitude Vlc of this oscillation when v(t) remains approximately sinusoidal, i.e. for the small values of α.

10.6.2. Approximation of the first harmonic [MUL 09]

When v(t) remains approximately sinusoidal, we can still use the expression v(t)=Vejγt. For α = αlim, the amplitude V depends on the initial conditions v(0) and z(ω, 0). On the contrary, for α > αlim, the amplitude depends on the characteristics of i = f(v), independently of the initial conditions.


[10.114] image


[10.115] image

we obtain

[10.116] image

The nonlinear term V3 sin3(γt) can be expressed in terms of harmonics γ and 3γ:

[10.117] image

The first harmonic hypothesis leads to

[10.118] image

10.6.3. Lyapunov function and oscillation frequency

As described previously, V(t) = EL(t) + EC(t).

Since image, we obtain

[10.119] image


The oscillation frequency is derived from the equality image. Since the amplitude of v(t) has no influence on the calculus of γ (in the first harmonic hypothesis), the oscillation frequency remains the same as in the linear case, thus

[10.121] image

On the contrary, the amplitude V acts in the expression of Joule losses corresponding to image.

10.6.4. Amplitude of the limit cycle

Equality of Joule losses corresponds to

Since [10.120]

[10.123] image

In the hypothesis

[10.124] image

we obtain

[10.125] image

The first harmonic hypothesis leads to

[10.126] image


[10.127] image

Therefore, condition [10.122] leads to

[10.128] image

Then, the amplitude Vlc of the limit cycle is given by

Finally, since v(t) = Lf Dn(iL(t)) and v(t) = Vejγt, we obtain

Consequently, the phase portrait {iL(t),v(t)} is exactly an ellipse in the first harmonic hypothesis.

10.6.5. Prediction of the limit cycle


Figure 10.8. Nonlinear characteristic i=f(v)

In Figure 10.8, the graphs of {i(t),v(t)} for n = 0.5 and v(0) = 0.5; z(ω, 0) = 0 ∀ ω are plotted with increasing values of α. Thus, we obtain the graphs of the function i = f(v) indexed by α. The first harmonic approach remains valid if v(t) does not exceed the limits of the negative resistor zone characterized by image, i.e. by

[10.131] image

Then, using equations [10.129, 10.130] with Lf= 1; C=1; n=0.5; β=1 and α=1, we obtain Vlc=0.525 < 0.577 and ILlc=0.589.

Experimentally (see Figure 10.6), we obtain Vlc=0.527 and ILlc =0.58. Note that the limit cycle is quasi-ellipsoidal; therefore, the first harmonic approach provides a good approximation of the dynamical behavior.

On the contrary, for α = 1.5, the theoretical values are Vlc = 0.792 > 0.577 and ILlc=0.889, and the experimental values are Vlc=0.79 and ILlc=0.85.

Since Vlc > 0.577, the limit cycle is no longer ellipsoidal, and the predicted values are only approximate, as demonstrated in Figure 10.6.

Note that better approximations of the oscillation frequency and the limit cycle characteristics can be obtained by association of the energy balance and harmonic balance approaches [KUN 86].

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