Lyapunov Stability of Non-commensurate Order Fractional Systems

9.1. Introduction

In the previous chapter, it has been demonstrated that the Lyapunov stability of commensurate fractional order systems is closely related to the stability of integer order systems, as they are commensurate order systems with n = 1, nevertheless with important specificities. In spite of these constraints, it has been possible to express an LMI stability condition, thanks to the duality between closed-loop and open-loop representations.

The situation is completely different with non-commensurate fractional order systems corresponding to the general model:

[9.1] image

Let us recall that matrix transformation or modal representation does not exist for these systems (see Chapter 2).

Therefore, it is not possible to formulate a Lyapunov function equivalent to

[9.2] image

for at least three main reasons:

  • – the weighting function µni((ω) depends on each fractional order ni;
  • – it is not possible to formulate a weighting matrix P = (M–1)T M–1 > 0 since the matrix transformation image does not exist;
  • – we cannot use the duality closed-loop/open-loop representation because partial fraction expansion cannot be used.

Thus, the Lyapunov stability of non-commensurate fractional order systems, expressed by an LMI condition, is (up to our knowledge) a non-solved complex problem.

In this chapter, we propose a different approach that is based on an energy formulation of the Lyapunov function. The Lyapunov stability of commensurate order systems has partially used the characteristics of the energy stored in the fractional integrators. In particular, dissipation of this energy has not been used explicitly (see Chapter 7).

Thus, in this chapter, our objective is to use the specific features of fractional energy, such as storage and dissipation, to express the stability condition of electrical systems thanks to an energy balance principle. Let us recall that it is not an original methodology. It has already been used in the theory of passivity to formulate control laws for electromechanical nonlinear systems, such as electrical machines, robots manipulators and so on [ORT 98].

In the first step, it is necessary to express the energy stored in fractional order electrical devices, such as capacitors and inductors. Although these concepts can be generalized to other systems such as mechanical, chemical or biological ones, we limit this approach to electrical systems because it is easy to define such fractional devices.

The classical RLC series circuit will be used to recall that its stability condition is closely related to the energy balance principle. Then, it will be possible to analyze the Lyapunov stability of more complex systems, in terms of energy balance, and also using dissipation and regeneration of energy [TRI 16a]. Finally, the LMI stability condition of commensurate order systems (analyzed in Chapter 8) will be revisited and interpreted in terms of energy balance and dissipation of energy [TRI 16b].

9.2. Stored energy, dissipation and energy balance in fractional electrical devices

9.2.1. Usual capacitor and inductor devices

Let us recall that a capacitor C is characterized by the equation (see Figure 9.1)


Figure 9.1. Capacitor circuit

The electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor is expressed as [JOO 86, IRW 99]

[9.4] image

Using the Laplace transform, equation [9.3] becomes

[9.5] image


[9.6] image


[9.7] image

is the complex impedance of the capacitor.

Similarly, for an inductor L (see Figure 9.2), we can write [IRW 99]

[9.8] image

Figure 9.2. Inductor circuit

The magnetic energy stored in the inductor is expressed as

[9.9] image

We can also write

[9.10] image


[9.11] image


[9.12] image

is the complex impedance of the inductor.

Capacitor C and inductor L are the only elementary electrical devices able to store energy. On the contrary, they do not dissipate energy, at least in their idealized form.

9.2.2. Fractional capacitor and inductor

Let us now consider electrical complex devices such as RC and RL infinite length lines. The RC line has already been analyzed to investigate some properties of the fractional integrator (see Chapter 6 of Volume 1). The RL line can also be modeled as a fractional order system (see Appendix A.9.1).

These devices can be interpreted as realizations of the fractional integrator and of the fractional differentiator. However, they can also be interpreted as fractional capacitors and inductors. Fractional capacitor

For the infinite length RC line (see Chapter 6 of Volume 1), we demonstrated that (see Figure 9.3)

[9.13] image

Let us define

[9.14] image


[9.15] image


[9.16] image


[9.17] image

which is the fractional generalization of

[9.18] image

Figure 9.3. Infinite length RC line Fractional inductor

It is demonstrated in Appendix A.9.1 that the infinite length RL line (or GL line as shown in Figure 9.4) is characterized by

[9.19] image

Let us define

[9.20] image


[9.21] image


[9.22] image


[9.23] image

which is the fractional generalization of

[9.24] image

Figure 9.4. Infinite length GL line

9.2.3. Energy storage and dissipation in fractional devices Fractional capacitor

A distributed model with the internal variable zC(ω, t) is associated with the electrical equation i(t) = C*Dn (v(t)) (see Chapter 7).


[9.25] image

The energy stored in the fractional capacitor C* is expressed (see Appendix A.9.2) as

[9.26] image

In contrast to the usual capacitor, an electrical power P(t) is also dissipated in the fractional capacitor.

It is expressed as

[9.27] image

The energy is stored in the distributed capacitors C and dissipated in the distributed resistors R of the infinite length RC line. Fractional inductor

A distributed model with the internal variable zL(ω, t) is associated with the electrical equation v(t) = L*Dn(i(t)).


[9.28] image

Similarly to the fractional capacitor, the energy stored in the fractional inductor L* is expressed as [HAR 15b]

[9.29] image

and the electrical power dissipated in the fractional inductor is expressed as:

[9.30] image Passive circuits, active circuits

Passive electrical circuits are composed of capacitors, inductors and resistors. Energy storage devices are capacitors and inductors, whereas resistors are dissipative devices.

Active electrical circuits are composed of passive devices (R, L and C) and of electronic systems performing complex and artificial functions.

In particular, using a positive feedback, it is possible to realize the equivalent of a negative resistor [AUV 80, CHA 82], which regenerates energy (instead of dissipating it).

This negative resistor is used in the usual LC oscillator in order to compensate the power dissipated in resistors and so to maintain a constant amplitude oscillation [CHA 82, KHA 96].

Negative resistors will be used to express the stability condition of fractional electrical circuits.

9.2.4. Reversibility of energy and energy balance Reversibility and irreversibility of energy

Energy storage devices are capacitors and inductors. The energy stored either in capacitors or inductors is characterized by its reversibility [JOO 86]. In particular, capacitors and inductors can exchange their energies; it is what occurs in the LC oscillator.

During these transfers, energy is also dissipated in resistors where it is transformed into heat according to the Joule effect. Globally, for an isolated system with no external source of energy, the initial energy stored in C and L devices is completely transformed into heat in the resistors.

Let us recall that this transformation is irreversible; heat cannot be transformed again into any kind of electrical energy: heat is an irreversible energy [JOO 86].

This means that the methodology proposed in this section for electrical systems is strictly limited to reversible energies. Thermal phenomena are excluded, except for those related to dissipation in resistors. On the contrary, this methodology applies to mechanical systems, where energy can be stored in moving masses (kinetic energy) or in springs (potential energy) [JOO 86]. Similarly, energy transfers between masses and springs are transformed into heat by frictions, i.e. into irreversible energy, as in resistors. Energy balance

Energy balance and conservation of energy are fundamental principles of physics [JOO 86, ORT 98].

For an autonomous system, they state that, for energy transfers:

and for dissipated powers:

[9.32] image

The term Ej(t) represents reversible energies such as kinetic, potential, magnetic or electrostatic energies for electromechanical systems. The term Pj(t) represents energy dissipation in resistors or frictions which is transformed into heat.

Equation [9.31] expresses conservation of energy or energy balance. Practically, this equation has to be adapted to systems where energy transfers are characterized by a periodical decreasing phenomenon. Thus, the derivative image has to be replaced by the mean of the energy derivative, i.e. by image.

9.3. The usual series RLC circuit

9.3.1. Introduction

Although perfectly known, the energy transfers between an inductor L and a capacitor C provide the opportunity to propose a methodology to analyze the stability of fractional systems.

9.3.2. Analysis of the series RLC circuit

The series RLC circuit is presented in Figure 9.5. The components L and C are characterized by the equations

[9.33] image

Moreover, R i(t) + vL(t) + vC(t) = 0.


Figure 9.5. Series RLC circuit

The state variables are vC(t) for C and i(t) for L. Therefore, the state space model of the circuit is

[9.34] image

At t = 0, the initial conditions are vC(0) and i(0). The energies stored in L and C are expressed as

[9.35] image

Thus, the global system energy (or Lyapunov function V(t)) is the sum of these two energies

[9.36] image

and its derivative is

[9.37] image


[9.38] image

This derivative expresses that energy is dissipated in resistor R.


  • – for R > 0, the system is stable;
  • – for R < 0, the system is unstable.

Limit of stability occurs for R = 0 and a constant amplitude oscillation appears.

9.3.3. Stability analysis

Of course, this stability analysis is trivial. However, let us consider the waveforms of EL(t), EC(t) and V(t) (see Figure 9.6) which are simulated with

[9.39] image

The graphs of EL(t) and EC(t) are shifted damped sinusoids. Their sum V(t) is a monotonous decreasing function. For R = 0, these sine functions have a constant amplitude and their sum is a constant. These curves express that the energy EL(t) with the initial value image is transferred to the capacitor, so EC(t) can increase. When EC(t) is maximum (and EL(t) minimum), a new cycle of energy transfer occurs, and so on. These exchanges between L and C are perfect with no loss when R = 0, i.e. when there is a perfect energy balance between the two components, with no dissipation.

When R = 0, let us define

[9.40] image


[9.41] image

Figure 9.6. Energies of the series RLC circuit. For a color version of the figures in this chapter see, www.iste.co.uk/trigeassou/analysis2.zip


[9.42] image

These functions have two components: a constant part, equal to their mean, and a time-varying part, the frequency of which is twice that of vC(t) or i(t).

The two means are equal because there is no loss in the resistor.


[9.43] image

Thus, the oscillation frequency is derived from the equality of the means of the two complementary energies EL(t) and EC(t):

[9.44] image

Let us recall that the derivative image provides the stability condition: image or R > 0.

This is the energy balance principle, between complementary components, which will be used to derive stability conditions for fractional order systems.

9.4. The series RLC* fractional circuit

9.4.1. Introduction

The series RLC* fractional circuit is a typical non-commensurate order system, with n = 1 for L and 0 < n < 1 for C*. It allows a simple analysis of transients and energy transfers between L and C*.

9.4.2. Analysis of the series RLC* circuit

The series RLC* circuit corresponds to Figure 9.5, where capacitor C is replaced by C*. The components L and C* are characterized by the equations

[9.45] image

Moreover, R i(t) + vL(t) + vC(t) = 0.

The state variables are i(t) for the inductor L and zC(ω, t) for the fractional capacitor C*.

Therefore, the state space model of this circuit is

[9.46] image

At t = 0, the initial conditions are zC(ω, 0) and i(0). The energies stored in L and C* are expressed as

[9.47] image

Thus, the total system energy E(t) or the Lyapunov function V(t) is the sum of these two energies

[9.48] image

and its derivative is

[9.49] image


This equation expresses that the energy V(t) is dissipated inside the fractional capacitor by internal Joule losses and outside in resistor R.

For R > 0 , the circuit is essentially dissipative and energy stored in L and C* can only decrease. Note that the damping is more important than in the previous RLC circuit thanks to internal Joule losses in C*.

However, an important difference has to be noted: for R < 0, the term –R i(t)2 is now positive, whereas the second term remains negative. Negative resistors are artificially provided by positive feedback circuits [AUV 80, CHA 82] or Tunnel diodes [KHA 96].

9.4.3. Experimental stability analysis

Numerical simulations are necessary to highlight some specific features of fractional systems. The RLC* circuit is simulated with

[9.51] image

For the fractional integrator, J + 1 = 21, with ω varying from ωb = 0.001 rad/s to ωh = 1000 rad/s; Te = 10–3s.


Figure 9.7. Current and voltage of the RLC* circuit

The waveforms of i(t) and vC(t) are presented in Figure 9.7 for R = 0.1 and R = –0.1. We can note that the circuit is of course stable for R = 0.1 and also for R = –0.1. Then, the graphs of V(t), EL(t) and EC(t) are presented in Figure 9.8 for R = 0.1 and in Figure 9.9 for R = –0.1.


Figure 9.8. Energy of the RLC* circuit, R = 0.1


Figure 9.9. Energy of the RLC* circuit, R = –0.1

The decrease of V(t) is monotonous for R > 0, as noted for the integer order RLC circuit. On the contrary, an oscillation of V(t) appears for R < 0, i.e. we can observe a series of energy regeneration and dissipation phases.

This phenomenon is a specificity of fractional systems, and it has already been observed in the commensurate order case [TRI 13b, TRI 13c]. It is easily explained using the interpretation of image.

The two components –Ri(t)2, image and their sum image for R = –0.1 are presented in Figure 9.10.


Figure 9.10. Derivative of the Lyapunov function

For R > 0 (Figure 9.8), the two components are negative, so image and the decrease of V(t) is monotonous.

On the contrary, for R < 0 (Figure 9.9), the two components have opposite signs and their sum is alternatively positive and negative. Consequently, V(t) (Figure 9.9) is globally decreasing, but its decrease is no longer monotonous but periodic.

For image phases, V(t) is regenerated, whereas it is dissipated for image phases.

This is not a new oscillating phenomenon: it is caused by the natural damped oscillation of i(t) and vC(t), combined with the effect of the –R i(t)2 term when R < 0 (see Figure 9.10).

Despite these oscillations, we can conclude that the mean of image is negative when the system is stable.

Thus, image ensures stability; however, this mean cannot directly be used to derive stability conditions.

9.4.4. Theoretical stability analysis

As observed with the integer order RLC circuit, the components L and C* exchange their complementary stored energies: the system remains stable if the energy is globally decreasing, i.e. if image. A constant amplitude oscillation occurs at the limit of stability, and the Lyapunov function V(t) is globally constant (when all transients have vanished), i.e. its average value is constant.

We can equivalently express this property using the energy balance principle applied to the means of the complementary energies EL(t) and EC(t).

Thus, at the limit of stability:

[9.52] image


[9.53] image

Recall that image ensures stability. Derivation of oscillation frequency

Let us define vC(t) = Vej β t at the limit of stability, where β is the oscillation frequency.

As i(t) = C*Dn(vC(t)), we can write

[9.54] image

We have to calculate image. Recall that image.


[9.55] image

The calculation of image requires zC(ω, t).

According to (9.46), we obtain

[9.56] image


[9.57] image


[9.58] image

As image, we obtain

[9.59] image

According to Appendix A.9.3, we can write

[9.60] image

Consequently, the equality image provides the value of β:

[9.61] image Stability condition

The circuit remains stable if image. According to [9.50], this condition is equivalent to

[9.62] image

This condition expresses that the circuit remains stable if the mean of energy regeneration is less than the mean of internal Joule losses in the fractional capacitor. Unfortunately, these means are not easily calculated in the general case. However, at the limit of stability, it is straightforward to write

[9.63] image


[9.64] image

According to Appendix A.9.3

[9.65] image


[9.66] image

Consequently, we can deduce the limit value of R:

[9.67] image

and stability is ensured if R > Rlim. Example

The case n = 0.5 simplifies calculations. Moreover, it corresponds to the practical case of the infinite RC line (section Note that this result can be verified using Matignon’s criterion (Appendix A.8.2).

As n = 0.5, we obtain

[9.68] image


[9.69] image


[9.70] image

With L = 1 C* = 1, we obtain

[9.71] image

and stability is ensured if

[9.72] image

9.4.5. Conclusion

Energy balance is a fundamental principle of physics [JOO 86, ORT 98]. For an autonomous system, it states that

[9.73] image
[9.74] image

As demonstrated by previous numerical simulations, the application of this principle to fractional systems has required important adaptations. More specifically, because image is no longer a monotonous decreasing function, it cannot be used to characterize the stability of fractional systems.

Practically, we have to replace the derivative of energy by its mean because it remains a globally decreasing function. Therefore, the stability of a fractional system is characterized by

[9.75] image

However, this mean is easy to calculate only at the limit of stability.

Consequently, the energy balance principle of an electrical fractional system has been defined at the limit of stability as

[9.76] image


[9.77] image

and V(t) is the system’s Lyapunov function.

9.5. The series RLL*C* circuit

9.5.1. Circuit modeling

The previous methodology is now applied to a more complex system in order to demonstrate its generality.

Consider the RLL*C* series circuit presented in Figure 9.11, which is governed by the following equations:

[9.78] image

The state variables i(t), zC(ω, t) and zL(ω, t) are defined as


[9.80] image

Figure 9.11. Series RLL*C* circuit

The corresponding energies are

[9.81] image


[9.82] image


[9.83] image

As image, we obtain

[9.84] image

As mentioned previously, image is the sum of internal and external losses.

If R > 0, the system is naturally damped.

9.5.2. Stability analysis Oscillation frequency

When the circuit is at the limit of stability, i(t), image, image and vL(t) are sine functions.

Let us define image.

As image, we can write

[9.85] image

Then, according to [9.79]

[9.86] image

As image, we obtain

[9.87] image

According to [9.79]

[9.88] image

The frequency β is derived from the equality of the means of magnetic and electrostatic energies

[9.89] image



[9.91] image
[9.92] image

[9.93] image

Equation [9.90] corresponds to


[9.95] image

According to [9.94], the frequency β is the solution of the equation

[9.96] image

In the particular case n = 0.5 , the frequency β is the solution of

[9.97] image

Let β0.5 = X, then X is the solution of

[9.98] image Stability condition

The stability condition is derived from

[9.99] image

As demonstrated previously

[9.100] image
[9.101] image


[9.102] image

Then, R is derived from the inequality

[9.103] image

or equivalently

[9.104] image

9.6. The series RL*C* fractional circuit

9.6.1. Introduction

The series RL*C* fractional circuit is a typical non-commensurate order system, with two orders n1 for L* and n2 for C*. The particular case n1 = n2 = n will be used to formulate a new interpretation to the Lyapunov stability of commensurate order FDEs.

9.6.2. Analysis of the series RL*C* circuit

The series RL*C* circuit corresponds to Figure 9.12.


Figure 9.12. Series RL*C* circuit

The components L* and C* are characterized by the equations

[9.105] image


[9.106] image

The state variables are zL(ω, t) for the inductor L* and zc(ω,t) for the capacitor C*. Therefore, the state space model of this circuit is

At t = 0, the initial conditions are zL(ω, 0) and zC(ω, 0). The energies stored in L* and C* are expressed as

[9.108] image
[9.109] image


[9.110] image

and its derivative is

The last two terms represent internal losses in L* and C*, whereas the first one corresponds to external losses in R.

Therefore, as the system is naturally damped by all these losses, instability can occur only with an artificial negative resistor used to regenerate energy.

9.6.3. Theoretical stability analysis

The components L* and C* exchange their complementary stored energies: the system remains stable if the initial energy is globally decreasing, i.e. if image.

Stability conditions are derived from the energy balance principle. Derivation of oscillation frequency

At the limit of stability, when a constant oscillation occurs, we obtain

[9.112] image

Then, let us define vC(t) = V ej β t, where β is the oscillation frequency.

As i(t) = C* Dn2 (vc(t)), we can write

[9.113] image

and as vL(t) = L* Dn1 (i(t))

[9.114] image

According to [9.107]

[9.115] image
[9.116] image


[9.117] image

We have to calculate image and image.

Using the same technique as mentioned previously, we obtain

[9.118] image


[9.119] image

Consequently, the equality image provides the value of β

[9.120] image Stability condition

The circuit remains stable if image. According to [9.111], this condition is equivalent to

[9.121] image

As image at the limit of stability, we obtain

[9.122] image

and stability is ensured if

[9.123] image Commensurate order case

If n1 = n2 = n

[9.124] image


[9.125] image

we obtain

[9.126] image

9.7. Stability of a commensurate order FDE: energy balance approach

9.7.1. Introduction

Previously, it has been demonstrated that the stability analysis of the commensurate order RL*C* circuit can be derived from the energy balance approach. Equivalently, the stability analysis of any two-derivative commensurate order FDE can be derived from the analysis of an arbitrary fictitious RL*C* circuit.

9.7.2. Analysis of the commensurate order FDE

The series RL*C* commensurate order circuit corresponds to the simplified equations

[9.127] image

The equation R i(t) + vL(t) + vC(t) = 0 is equivalent to the FDE

[9.128] image


with image and image.

This commensurate order FDE is simulated with two fractional integrators image according to Figure 9.13.


Figure 9.13. Simulation of a two-derivative FDE

The two infinite state variables are z1(ω, t) and z2(ω, t) such as

[9.130] image

Of course

[9.131] image

Therefore, z1(ω, t) = zC(ω, t) and image, where zc(ω, t) and zL(ω, t) have been defined previously.

Let us define

[9.132] image
[9.133] image


[9.134] image
[9.135] image


[9.136] image

Knowledge of R, L* and C* allows the definition of image and image. However, reciprocally, knowledge of a0 and a1 does not allow the complete definition of R, L* and C* since image and R = a1 L*.

Therefore, it is necessary to make an arbitrary choice for one of the components, for example C*.

Then, we obtain

[9.137] image

Consequently, the Lyapunov function is defined arbitrarily, depending on the choice of C*.

9.7.3. Application to stability

Let C* = 1, then

[9.138] image


[9.139] image

At the limit of stability

Let us define

[9.141] image


[9.142] image

Therefore, a1 lim corresponds to the FDE stability condition derived from Matignon’s criterion (Appendix A.8.2). However, it is important to note that the previous arbitrary choice for C* has no consequence on the stability condition of [9.129].

This result means that the stability condition of any FDE as [9.129] can be derived from the energy balance principle, with arbitrary values of the fictitious series RL*C* circuit. Oscillations can be interpreted as transfers between electrostatic energy stored in the arbitrary capacitor C* and magnetic energy stored in L*. Moreover, damping is caused by internal losses in C* and L* and external losses in R.

9.8. Stability of a commensurate order FDE: physical interpretation of the usual approach

9.8.1. Introduction

The usual approach to stability analysis of a commensurate order system (either integer or fractional order) is to use a positive P matrix to weight the Lyapunov function (see Chapter 8). Fundamentally, it will be demonstrated that this weighting matrix technique is equivalent to the previous approach based on a fictitious arbitrary RL*C* circuit.

9.8.2. Commensurate order system

Consider the commensurate fractional order system

This system corresponds to the commensurate order FDE

[9.144] image

which is simulated according to Figure 9.13. Its equivalence with the series RL*C* circuit has been demonstrated previously.

The eigenvalues λ1 and λ2 of A are the roots of the equation

[9.145] image

Let a0 > 0

  • – Δ > 0 if a1 < –2 a0 or a1 > 2 a0, then λ1 and λ2 are real eigenvalues.
  • – Δ < 0 if –2 a0 < a1 < 2a0, then λ1 and λ2 are complex eigenvalues λi = a ± j b with:
[9.146] image

or λi = ρ e± j θ with

[9.147] image

9.8.3. Lyapunov function of a fractional differential system

As system [9.143] is a commensurate order system, a modal representation can be associated with it. Let λi be the N eigenvalues of A in the general case. Let M be the matrix composed of the corresponding N eigenvectors (remember that M is not unique). Recall that

[9.148] image

where Ad is the modal diagonal matrix.

Consider the matrix transformation

N fractional integrators image are associated with the modal pseudo-state variables yi(t), where wi(ω, t) are the internal variables (see Chapter 8):

The energy of each modal integrator is

[9.151] image

As the modal system [9.150] is composed of N independent modes, its total energy Vd(t) is the sum of the N independent energies Vi(t).


[9.152] image

Let us define

[9.153] image


Then, consider the inverse transformation

As image is also defined by [9.150], we obtain

[9.156] image

Therefore, we can write [9.154] as

[9.157] image

Let us define (Chapter 8)

[9.158] image

P is a symmetric definite positive matrix: there is an infinity of possibilities to define P depending on the choice of the eigenvectors of M.

As the matrix transformation [9.149] does not modify energy, the Lyapunov function V(t) of the N -derivative fractional system is defined as

[9.159] image

9.8.4. Stability analysis

Consider the modal representation [9.150] with

[9.160] image Oscillation frequency

At the limit of stability, y1(t) and y2(t) are constant amplitude sine waveforms.

Let us define y1(t) = Y ej β t.

Then, y2(t) = Y e–j β t


[9.161] image


[9.162] image


[9.163] image

Obviously, this result is the same as [9.140] derived from the energy balance approach. Stability condition


[9.165] image

At the limit of stability, image.

Therefore, we have to calculate two means

[9.166] image
[9.167] image


[9.168] image


[9.169] image
[9.170] image

with image


[9.171] image

we obtain

[9.172] image


[9.173] image

Thus, at the limit of stability, a = alim and

[9.174] image

As image ([9.140]), we obtain

[9.175] image

Recall that image.


[9.176] image

The system remains stable if R > Rlim or a < alim, i.e. if

[9.177] image

This last condition is equivalent to the LMI

[9.178] image

where image (see Chapter 8).

9.8.5. Conclusion

The previous analysis demonstrated that the usual approach to stability based on a weighted Lyapunov function is equivalent to the energy balance principle. Note that an LMI stability condition is derived from the usual approach, whereas a classical Routh stability condition is derived from the energy balance technique [ROU 77].

The standard FDE can be interpreted as a fictitious RL*C* circuit where the Lyapunov function is weighted by an arbitrary value of C*. Equivalently, the stability of the standard FDE can be analyzed with a Lyapunov function weighted by an arbitrary symmetric positive matrix P. This P matrix is related to the A matrix eigenvalues, i.e. to the arbitrary values of the fictitious RL*C* circuit. Consequently, the weighting matrix P can be interpreted in terms of a fictitious series RL*C* circuit.

According to [9.164], the term image is equivalent to Joule losses in an external resistor R, whereas the term image represents internal Joule losses in the fractional integrators image.


Finally, consider the general commensurate order fractional system

[9.179] image


[9.180] image


[9.181] image

According to the previous analysis in the modal base and using the inverse transformation [9.155], the term image can be interpreted as internal Joule losses in the N fractional integrators image, whereas the other term image can be interpreted as external Joule losses in fictitious resistors.

A.9. Appendix

A.9.1. The infinite length LG line

Consider the infinite length LG line (or LR line with image) (see Figure 9.4) and its elementary cell (Figure 9.14).


Figure 9.14. Elementary cell of the LG line

L and G are inductance and conductance densities.


[9.182] image

If dx → 0, we obtain


[9.184] image

Therefore, if dx → 0

[9.185] image

Differentiation of [9.183] with respect to x leads to

[9.186] image

This means that the equations of the LG line

[9.188] image

are in fact the classical diffusive equations.

Using the Laplace transform and its differentiation properties, we obtain

[9.189] image

With the hypothesis i(x, 0) = 0, equation [9.187] becomes

Let us define

[9.191] image

Then, the general solution of [9.190] is

[9.192] image

For an infinite length line, we have

[9.193] image

and finally

[9.194] image


[9.195] image

Let us define the complex impedance of the LG line

[9.196] image


[9.197] image

The complex impedance is equivalent to a fractional differentiator with n = 0.5, regardless of x.


[9.198] image


[9.199] image

or equivalently

[9.200] image

This equation defines the fractional inductor with

[9.201] image

A.9.2. Energy storage and dissipation in the fractional capacitor

The fractional capacitor C* is characterized by the equation

[9.202] image

A distributed model is associated with this equation

Our objective is to express the stored energy E(t) and its dissipation P(t) with the analog distributed network {R(ω), C(ω)} (see Chapter 7).

The input of this network is the current i(t), and its output is the voltage v(t).

Equation [9.203] gives

[9.204] image

Moreover, for the elementary cell {R(ω), C(ω)}, we can write

[9.205] image

Finally, the total voltage v(t) is expressed as

[9.206] image

therefore we obtain

[9.207] image

This equality is verified with the constraints

[9.208] image

Thus, we can express the stored energy

[9.209] image


[9.210] image

For the dissipation of energy, we obtain

[9.211] image


[9.212] image


[9.213] image

A.9.3. Some integrals

Consider the distributed model of the fractional integrator. If the input is a Dirac impulse v(t) = δ(t), then z(ω, t) = e–ωt and

With image

The Laplace transform of [9.214] provides

[9.215] image

if s is real, such as s = β, then

[9.216] image


[9.217] image

Let us define

[9.218] image

Consider the new variables ω2 = u β2 = α, so image and image.


[9.219] image

Define image.


[9.220] image


[9.221] image


[9.222] image


[9.223] image

Using the previous variables u and α, we obtain

[9.224] image


[9.225] image
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