Chapter 10. Choosing and Using a Source Control Strategy

Source control is an essential part of every developer's toolkit. It doesn't matter whether you are a hobbyist or professional programmer; when you get up from your desk to go home you better be sure your code is safe. In this chapter, we will be looking at choosing and using a source control strategy. Some of the topics we will be taking a look at are:

  • Setting up Visual Studio account management and determining which source control solution is best for you
  • Setting up Visual Studio GitHub integration, checking in code for the first time, and checking in changes
  • Working as a team using GitHub, and handling and resolving conflicts in code


During my career, I have used Visual SourceSafe, SVN, VSTS, Bitbucket, and GitHub. It really does not matter how you approach it, the important thing is that you keep your source code safe and versioned.

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