Using PerfTips to identify bottlenecks in code

PerfTips are definitely one of my favorite features of Visual Studio 2015. Explaining what they do doesn't do them justice. You have to see them in action.

Getting ready

Do not confuse PerfTips with CodeLens. PerfTips is a separate option from CodeLens in Visual Studio.

How to do it…

  1. PerfTips are enabled by default. But just in case you are not seeing any PerfTips, go to Tools | Options, and expand the Debugging node. Under General, to the bottom of the settings page, you will see an option called Show elapsed time PerfTip while debugging. Ensure that this option is checked:
    How to do it…
  2. We will create a few simple methods that mimic long-running tasks. To do this, we will just sleep the thread for a couple of seconds. In the Recipes.cs file, add the following code:
    public static void RunFastTask()
    private static void RunLongerTask()
    private static void BottleNeck()
  3. In your console application, call the static method RunFastTask() and place a breakpoint on this line of code:
  4. Start debugging your console application. Your breakpoint will stop on the RunFastTask() method. Hit F10 to step over this method:
    How to do it…
  5. You will notice that 11 seconds later, the next line will be highlighted and the PerfTip will be displayed. The PerfTip displays the time it took for the previous line of code to execute. So the debugger that now sits on the Thread.Sleep, shows that the RunFastTask() method took 11 seconds to complete. The task is clearly not very fast:
    How to do it…
  6. Stepping in to the RunFastTask() method, you can place further breakpoints and step over them one by one to find the method that is causing the longest delay. As you can see, PerfTips allow developers to quickly and easily identify bottlenecks in code:
    How to do it…

How it works…

There are many tools on the market that do this and much more, allowing developers to view all sorts of code metrics. PerfTips, however, allow you to see issues on the fly while you are stepping through your code as per your normal debugging tasks. It is, in my opinion, an indispensable debugging tool.

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