Understanding LunarG validation layers and their features

The LunarG Vulkan SDK supports the following layers for debugging and validation purposes. In the following points, we have described some of the layers that will help you understand the offered functionalities:

  • VK_LAYER_GOOGLE_unique_objects: Non-dispatchable Vulkan objects handles are not required to be unique; a driver may return the same handle for multiple objects that it considers equivalent. This behavior makes tracking the object difficult because it is not clear which object to reference at the time of deletion. This layer packs the Vulkan objects into a unique identifier at the time of creation and unpacks them when the application uses it. This ensures there is proper object lifetime tracking at the time of validation. As per LunarG's recommendation, this layer must be last in the chain of the validation layer, making it closer to the display driver.
  • VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump: This layer is helpful in knowing the parameter values passed to the Vulkan APIs. It prints all the data structure parameters along with their values.
  • VK_LAYER_LUNARG_core_validation: This is used for validating and printing important pieces of information from the descriptor set, pipeline state, dynamic state, and so on. This layer tracks and validates the GPU memory, object binding, and command buffers. Also, it validates the graphics and compute pipelines.
  • VK_LAYER_LUNARG_image: This layer can be used for validating texture formats, rendering target formats, and so on. For example, it verifies whether the requested format is supported on the device. It validates whether the image view creation parameters are reasonable for the image that the view is being created for.
  • VK_LAYER_LUNARG_object_tracker: This keeps track of object creation along with its use and destruction, which is helpful in avoiding memory leaks. It also validates that the referenced object is properly created and is presently valid.
  • VK_LAYER_LUNARG_parameter_validation: This validation layer ensures that all the parameters passed to the API are correct as per the specification and are up to the required expectation. It checks whether the value of a parameter is consistent and within the valid usage criteria defined in the Vulkan specification. Also, it checks whether the type field of a Vulkan control structure contains the same value that is expected for a structure of that type.
  • VK_LAYER_LUNARG_swapchain: This layer validates the use of the WSI swapchain extensions. For example, it checks whether the WSI extension is available before its functions could be used. Also, it validates that an image index is within the number of images in a swapchain.
  • VK_LAYER_GOOGLE_threading: This is helpful in the context of thread safety. It checks the validity of multithreaded API usage. This layer ensures the simultaneous use of objects using calls running under multiple threads. It reports threading rule violations and enforces a mutex for such calls. Also, it allows an application to continue running without actually crashing, despite the reported threading problem.
  • VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation: This enables all the standard layers in the correct order.


For more information on validation layers, visit LunarG's official website. Check out https://vulkan.lunarg.com/doc/sdk and specifically refer to the Validation Layer Details section for more details.

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