Scaling on the cloud

With the popularity of the cloud, scaling Microservices has become even easier. In fact, it would not be completely inappropriate if we say that the cloud is one major reason for the popularity of Microservices based design. Cloud services providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), provide us with mechanisms to autoscale the deployed services.

For example, let's see how this is done in AWS. If you are familiar with Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, or any other cloud service provider, you will find similar steps there. We are just trying to get a high-level idea here, for which I am using AWS.

Let's say you have created a set of Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), or simply a virtual machine instance, that is servicing a Microservice or set of Microservices. You can create an Auto-scaling Group that helps us to set a minimum number of instances available for the service, or group of services, that is deployed:

Next, all you need to do is set a rule for the creation of more instances. In short, we can autoscale based on rules, and no human interaction is required:

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