
In this chapter, we created a client to consume a service by using Jersey. We also showed how the client could be implemented asynchronously. Then, we introduced third-party reactive frameworks, and detailed how they integrate with the latest version of JAX-RS.

To connect Microservices together, we created a Forecast service that consumes our location and Temperature services under the hood. The Forecast service synchronously consumes the location service, and for each location it returns, it invokes the Temperature service to fetch the temperature of that location. The next chapter will introduce asynchronous approaches for connecting the Microservices.

To demonstrate service discovery mechanisms, we looked at the Snoop and Eureka frameworks by registering Java-EE-based and Spring-based Microservices. Then we demonstrated how services can be discovered and invoked by implementing client code.

In the next chapter, we will show you ways to integrate asynchronous communication mechanisms between our demonstrated services, ranging from simple scenarios to more complex ones.

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