Case 1 – service is unresponsive

To simulate a real-world scenario, let's say one of our services is down or is corrupted due to a recent update. In such a case, our main sayhello service will return an error, likely a five hundred internal server error, but it will not tell us what's happening behind the scenes. We are not sure which service has a problem. Let's see whether taking a look at the Zipkin interface can helps us.

The following screenshot shows the Zipkin interface when service 3 is not responding properly:

It highlights the sayhello3 service to indicate there is a problem. In addition, you can click on each row and see the error details at each step. For example, the following lists the details of the error in service3:

This clearly shows that there was a developer error, and a new update has made the sayhello3 service uncompilable and hence not reachable. Zipkin helped us understand what and where the problem was with a few simple clicks.

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