
In this chapter, we talked about monitoring and profiling Microservices. Monitoring Microservices brings its own challenges, as different Microservices might be deployed on separate machines, so we have to deal with a distributed infrastructure and a number of services. You need to keep tabs on how much time a service is taking to respond; you don't want your end user to wait too long for a response.

In addition, you need to understand which services are on a critical path, and which services are more important than others, so that we can take a call on the severity of the issue.

We talked about tools that can provide us the data required for analysis. We can use these tools to fetch data for historical analysis, and for health monitoring. The retention of data is another important factor. For how long do you want to keep the data? All these decisions one needs to take based on specific needs.

We have not yet talked about services deployed in containers, such as Docker and Kubernetes. Container-based deployments bring their own advantages and challenges. This is what we will be looking at in the next chapter.

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