
In this chapter, we discussed two important aspects of Microservices: documentation and testing. Documentation is important for any software so that others can understand how to use the services you have created. Without proper documentation, it will be hard for anyone to understand how to use the services properly, what types of input are expected, what outputs are returned, and what kind of error messages to anticipate. We talked about Swagger and APIdocs for documentation and touched upon a few additional frameworks that can help.

We talked about the various levels of testing that can be done for a Microservices-based architecture. In unit testing, we would try to test each class and method as independent units and make sure each smallest unit works fine independently, by mocking any unnecessary dependencies. While implementing integration testing, we would make sure that our service is able to interact with external dependencies and handle the problem scenarios gracefully. Service-level testing is responsible for testing the complete Microservice. Finally, end-to-end testing makes sure the system will work fine as a whole for the end user.

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