Challenges with Microservices

Before concluding the Microservices section, it's important to mention that Microservices are not a silver bullet. Along with all the advantages that come with Microservices, we need to be aware of the challenges that they bring if not used properly:

  • The right level of modularization: You need to be very careful in determining how your application can be divided into Microservices. Too few would mean you're not getting the proper advantage of Microservices, and too many services means a heavy dev-ops requirement, to make sure all the Microservices work well when deployed together. Too many Microservices can also have a performance impact due to inter-service communication needs. You need to carefully analyze the application and break it down into logical entities, based on what would make sense to be thought of as a separate module.
  • Different tech stacks to manage: One of the advantages of a Microservices-based architecture is that you are not dependent on one technical stack or language. For example, if one of the services is coded in Java, you can easily build another one in .NET or Python. But if you are not careful, this advantage can quickly become a problem. You might end up supporting dozens of technical stacks and managing expertise for each service independently. Movement of team members between projects or among teams is not an option if required, as one team might be working on a completely different tech stack than other.
  • Heavy reliance on Dev-Ops: If you are using too many Microservices, you need to monitor each one and make sure all the communication channels are healthy at all times.
  • Difficult fault management: If you have dozens of services communicating with each other, and one of those goes down or is slow to respond, it becomes difficult to identify the problem area. Also, you do not want that problem in a single service to impact other services, so you will need to make sure arrangements are in place to handle error situations.
  • Managing the data: As a rule of thumb, we try to make sure every Microservice manages its own data. But this is not always easy when data is shared among services, so we need to determine how much data each service should own and how the data should be shared among services.

When you are architecting the system, you need to make sure you understand these challenges and take care of them before committing to a solution. We will discuss some of these challenges in this book and approaches to handling them.

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