A complete reactive REST service

Here's a complete method in the ForecastResource.java file:

public void getLocationsWithTemperature(@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
asyncResponse.setTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

// initial completed stage to reduce all stages into one
CompletionStage<List<Forecast>> initialStage
= CompletableFuture.completedFuture(new ArrayList<>());
CompletionStage<List<Forecast>> finalStage = locations.stream()
// for each location, call a service and return a CompletionStage
.map(location -> {
return temperatureTarget
.resolveTemplate("city", location.getName())
.thenApply(temperature -> new Forecast(location, temperature));
// reduce stages using thenCombine, which joins 2 stages into 1
(combinedStage, forecastStage) -> {
return combinedStage.thenCombine(forecastStage,
(forecasts, forecast) -> {
return forecasts;
}, (stage1, stage2) -> null); // a combiner is not needed

// complete the response with forecasts
finalStage.thenAccept(forecasts -> {
// handle an exception and complete the response with it
.exceptionally(e -> {
// unwrap the real exception if wrapped in CompletionException)
Throwable cause = (e instanceof CompletionException) ? e.getCause() : e;
return null;
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