Decompiled enum – behind the scenes

Every user-defined enum implicitly extends the java.lang.Enum class. Behind the scenes, the one-line Size enum (defined in the preceding section) is compiled into something similar to the following (I've added comments in the code to explain it; when you compile an enum, you won't get similar comments):

final class Size extends Enum                 // 'enum' converted to final class  
    public static final Size SMALL;           // variables to store  
    public static final Size MEDIUM;          // enum constants 
    public static final Size LARGE;           //  
    private static final Size $VALUES[];    // array of all enum 
// constants static { // static initializer SMALL = new Size("SMALL", 0); // to initialize enum
// constants MEDIUM = new Size("MEDIUM", 1); // LARGE = new Size("LARGE", 2); // $VALUES = (new Size[] { // SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE // & populate array of enum
// constants }); } public static Size[] values() { return (Size[])$VALUES.clone(); // Avoiding any
// modification to } // $VALUES by calling methods public static Size valueOf(String s) { return (Size)Enum.valueOf(Size, s); } private Size(String s, int i) { super(s, i); } }
Enums are syntactic sugar. The compiler takes your enum construct and extends java.lang.Enum to create a class. It adds the variables, initializers, and methods to get the required behavior.

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