The transform() method

Suppose that a file includes the following text, using [ at the beginning of a new line:

[ Talks - Java11, Amber, CleanCode 
[ Oceans - plastic pollution, human callousness

Now, suppose that you must remove the delimiter, [, used at the beginning of all lines. You can use the transform() method to customize the margin management, adding the String class:

 <R> R transform (Function<String, R> f)

The following is an example that uses the method transform() to remove the custom margin characters from the multiline text:

String stripped = ` 
                     [ Talks - Java11, Amber, CleanCode 
                     [ Oceans - dying, human callousness, plastic 
pollution `.transform({ .map(e -> .map(s -> s.startsWith("[ ") ? s.substring("[ ".length()) : s) .collect(Collectors.joining(" ", "", " ")); });

The next section will include some common cases where using raw string literals over traditional strings will benefit you tremendously.

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