Defining local variables in a switch branch

It is possible to define variables that are local to a switch branch. To do so, a switch branch can define a block of code to execute for a matching case label. To return the value from the branch, it can include a break statement specifying the value to return. 

Let's modify the code in the preceding example to define a code block, as follows:

class Planet { 
    private static long damage; 
    public void use(SingleUsePlastic plastic) { 
        damage += switch(plastic) { 
            case STRAW -> 10; 
            case BAG -> 11; 
            case SPOON, FORK, KNIFE -> 7; 
            case PLATE -> { 
                                int radius = 20;  // Local variable           
break (radius < 10 ? 15 : 20); // Using
// break to return
// a value } case BOTTLE -> 20; }; } }

The scope and accessibility of the local variable, radius, are limited to the switch branch, in which it is defined.

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