Adding generics to enums

Let's rewrite the enum code from the preceding example, adding a variable type to the enum Size. The bounded type parameter (<T extends Measurement>) restricts the types that can be passed as arguments to the Size enum, to the Measurement class and its derived classes.

This section modifies the code from the preceding section. To understand the example code and its purpose, please read the preceding section (if you haven't already). 

The modified code is as follows:

enum Size <T extends Measurement> {      // enum with type parameter 
    SMALL(new Small()), 
    MEDIUM(new Medium()), 
    LARGE(new Large()); 
    private T mObj; 
    Size(T obj) { 
        mObj = obj; 
    T getMeasurement() { 
        return mObj; 

class Measurement {} class Small extends Measurement { String text = "Small"; } class Medium extends Measurement {} class Large extends Measurement { public int getLength() { return 40; } }

The following code can be used to access behavior that is specific to a constant, say, the getLength() method, which is accessible only to the LARGE constant, as follows:

var large = Size.LARGE; 
With the enhanced enums (with generics added), you will be able to access an enum constant specific state or behavior.

Let's work with another example of a generic enum, which can be used to restrict the user data to certain types.

The following example creates a generic enum, Data, which can be passed as a type parameter, T:

public enum Data<T> { 
    NAME<String>,                // constants of generic  
    AGE<Integer>,                // enum Data 

The FormData class defines a generic method that can accept a constant of the Data enum and a value of the same type that is used for the enum constant:

public class FormData { 
    public <T> void add(Data<T> type, T value) { 

The following code shows how you can use the constants of the Data enum to restrict the combination of types of values that you pass to the add method:

FormData data = new FormData(); 
data.add(Data.NAME, "Pavni");            // okay; type of NAME and 
// Pavni is String data.add(Data.AGE, 22); // okay; type of AGE and 22 is
// Integer data.add(Data.ADDRESS, "California"); // Won't compile. "California" // is String, not Address
// instance

With the mismatched data, the code fails at compilation, making it easier for the developer to correct it.

Compilation failures are always better than runtime exceptions. Using the generic Data enum will make the code fail at compile time for a mismatched combination of values passed to add().
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