Breaking existing code

As of Java 10, var is a restricted local variable type and cannot be used for type declarations. Code that uses var as the name of a class, interface, method, method parameters, or variables, will no longer compile in JDK 10 and later releases.

The following is an example of code that uses var at multiple places and won't compile:

class var {}          // can't use var as class name
interface var {} // can't use var as interface name
class Demo {
int var = 100; // can't use var as instance variable
// name
static long var = 121; // can't use var as static variable
// name

void var() { // can't use var as method name
int var = 10; // cant use var as the name of a local
// variable
void aMethod(String var) {} // can't use var as the name of method parameter
It is important to test your production code with the latest Java release versions, even if you are not planning to deploy your production code to them. It will help to iron out any compatibility issues with your production code, helping to migrate it to a future version of Java.
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