The skip operator

The skip operator omits the first n items emitted by the input observable and emits all other items of the input observable on the output observable. The following figure shows the workings of this operator:

Figure 6.4: The skip operator

The prototype of this operator is the following one:

Observable.skip(self, count)

The count parameter is the number of items to skip before emitting some items.

Here is an example of the skip operator in use:

numbers = Observable.from_([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
on_next = lambda i: print("on_next {}".format(i)),
on_error = lambda e: print("on_error: {}".format(e)),
on_completed = lambda: print("on_completed")

This example gives the following result:

on_next 3
on_next 4
on_next 5

In this example, the first two items have been skipped, and the remaining three items have been forwarded.

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