Introduction to Traefik

Traefik is an open source reverse proxy and load balancer. Originally, these two features were handled by different components:

  • Reverse proxies were implemented in HTTP servers such as Apache and NGINX
  • Load balancers were implemented in dedicated products, whether software- or hardware-based

But quite recently, several open source projects emerged that implement both features in software. Traefik is one of these tools, and it leverages several new technologies:

  • It is implemented in the Go language, a compiled language that offers high performance and ease of development
  • It is highly integrated with the Docker ecosystem
  • It has built-in support for Let's Encrypt, a free TLS certificate authority

Before looking at how to use Traefik, let's first explain what a reverse proxy is, what a load balancer is, and why these two components are of great importance when deploying web applications or microservices.

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