Chapter 7

What are the existing software isolation technologies?

Three major isolation technologies exist:

  • Emulators
  • Virtual machines
  • Containers

Emulators provide the strongest isolation, at the expense of performance. Virtual machines are more efficient than emulators but can only execute software with the same CPU architecture as the host, and provide fewer isolation guarantees. Finally, containers are the most efficient solution, but with fewer guarantees on isolation, at least in theory.

What is Docker?

Docker is a set of tools that ease the management of Linux containers.

On what kind of system does Docker software run?

A Docker image can run only on a Linux operating system. Moreover, most images are build for an x86-64 processor. It is, however, possible to generate images for ARM 64 processors.

What is the difference between a Docker image and a Docker instance?

A Docker image represents a filesystem hierarchy, as set of files containing a distribution packed in a single file. A Docker instance is an image that's currently being executed. Several instances of the same image can run at the same time on a system.

What kind of service is provided by S3?

S3 provides a key/value store. In S3, the key is a UTF-8 string, and the value is a binary blob. S3 objects are stored in buckets in a flat hierarchy.

How do you search for an object in an S3 bucket?

It is not possible to search for an object in an S3 bucket. So, you either have to know the key in advance or list the whole content of the bucket to retrieve the object in question.

How can CPU-bound operations be managed with RxPY?

Some RxPY schedulers can be used to execute some parts of an operator chain on another thread than the AsyncIO event loop. This allows us to easily move a CPU-bound task outside of the AsyncIO event loop.

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