About the author

Osvaldo Martin is a researcher at The National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), in Argentina. He has worked on structural bioinformatics of protein, glycans, and RNA molecules. He has experience using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods to simulate molecular systems and loves to use Python to solve data analysis problems.

He has taught courses about structural bioinformatics, data science, and Bayesian data analysis. He was also the head of the organizing committee of PyData San Luis (Argentina) 2017. He is one of the core developers of PyMC3 and ArviZ.

I would like to thank Romina for her continuous support. I also want to thank Walter Lapadula, Bill Engels, Eric J Ma, and Austin Rochford for providing invaluable feedback and suggestions on my drafts. A special thanks goes to the core developers and all contributors of PyMC3 and ArviZ. This book was possible only because of the dedication, love, and hard work they have put into these libraries and into building a great community around them.




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