Bayes' theorem

Now that we have learned some of the basic concepts and jargon from probability theory, we can move to the moment everyone was waiting for. Without further ado, let's contemplate, in all its majesty, Bayes' theorem:

Well, it's not that impressive, is it? It looks like an elementary school formula, and yet, paraphrasing Richard Feynman, this is all you need to know about Bayesian statistics.

Learning where Bayes' theorem comes from will help us to understand its meaning.

According to the product rule we have:

This can also be written as:

Given that the terms on the left are equal for equations 1.5 and 1.6, we can combine them and write:

And if we reorder 1.7, we get expression 1.4, thus is Bayes' theorem.

Now, let's see what formula 1.4 implies and why it is important. First, it says that  is not necessarily the same as . This is a very important fact, one that is easy to miss in daily situations even for people trained in statistics and probability. Let's use a simple example to clarify why these quantities are not necessarily the same. The probability of a person being the Pope given that this person is Argentinian is not the same as the probability of being Argentinian given that this person is the Pope. As there are around 44,000,000 Argentinians alive and a single one of them is the current Pope, we have and we also have .

If we replace  with hypothesis and  with data, Bayes' theorem tells us how to compute the probability of a hypothesis, , given the data, , and that's the way you will find Bayes' theorem explained in a lot of places. But, how do we turn a hypothesis into something that we can put inside Bayes' theorem? Well, we do it by using probability distributions. So, in general, our hypothesis is a hypothesis in a very, very, very narrow sense; we will be more precise if we talk about finding a suitable value for parameters in our models, that is, parameters of probability distributions. By the way, don't try to set  to statements such as unicorns are real, unless you are willing to build a realistic probabilistic model of unicorn existence!

Bayes' theorem is central to Bayesian statistics, as we will see in Chapter 2, Programming Probabilistically using tool such as PyMC3 free ourselves of the need to explicitly write Bayes' theorem every time we build a Bayesian model. Nevertheless, it is important to know the name of its parts because we will constantly refer to them and it is important to understand what each part means because this will help us to conceptualize models, so let's do it:

  • : Prior
  • : Likelihood
  • : Posterior
  • : Marginal likelihood

The prior distribution should reflect what we know about the value of the  parameter before seeing the data, . If we know nothing, like Jon Snow, we could use flat priors that do not convey too much information. In general, we can do better than flat priors, as we will learn in this book. The use of priors is why some people still talk about Bayesian statistics as subjective, even when priors are just another assumption that we made when modeling and hence are just as subjective (or objective) as any other assumption, such as likelihoods.

The likelihood is how we will introduce data in our analysis. It is an expression of the plausibility of the data given the parameters. In some texts, you will find people call this term sampling model, statistical model, or just model. We will stick to the name likelihood and we will call the combination of priors and likelihood model.

The posterior distribution is the result of the Bayesian analysis and reflects all that we know about a problem (given our data and model). The posterior is a probability distribution for the  parameters in our model and not a single value. This distribution is a balance between the prior and the likelihood. There is a well-known joke: A Bayesian is one who, vaguely expecting a horse, and catching a glimpse of a donkey, strongly believes he has seen a mule. One excellent way to kill the mood after hearing this joke is to explain that if the likelihood and priors are both vague, you will get a posterior reflecting vague beliefs about seeing a mule rather than strong ones. Anyway, I like the joke, and I like how it captures the idea of a posterior being somehow a compromise between prior and likelihood. Conceptually, we can think of the posterior as the updated prior in the light of (new) data. In fact, the posterior from one analysis can be used as the prior for a new analysis. This makes Bayesian analysis particularly suitable for analyzing data that becomes available in sequential order. Some examples could be an early warning system for natural disasters that processes online data coming from meteorological stations and satellites. For more details, read about online machine learning methods.

The last term is the marginal likelihood, also known as evidence. Formally, the marginal likelihood is the probability of observing the data averaged over all the possible values the parameters can take (as prescribed by the prior). Anyway, for most of this book, we will not care about the marginal likelihood, and we will think of it as a simple normalization factor. We can do this because when analyzing the posterior distribution, we will only care about the relative values of the parameters and not their absolute values. You may remember that we mentioned this when we talked about how to interpret plots of probability distributions in the previous section. If we ignore the marginal likelihood, we can write Bayes' theorem as a proportionality:

Understanding the exact role of each term in Bayes' theorem will take some time and practice, and it will require we work trough a few examples, and that's what the rest of this book is for.

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