Computing and plotting the posterior

Now we will use Python to compute and plot the posterior distribution based on the analytical expression we have just derived. In the following code, you will see there is actually one line that computes the results while the others are there just to get a nice plot:

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

n_trials = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32, 50, 150]
data = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 6, 9, 13, 48]
theta_real = 0.35

beta_params = [(1, 1), (20, 20), (1, 4)]
dist = stats.beta
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 200)

for idx, N in enumerate(n_trials):
if idx == 0:
plt.subplot(4, 3, 2)
plt.subplot(4, 3, idx+3)
y = data[idx]
for (a_prior, b_prior) in beta_params:
p_theta_given_y = dist.pdf(x, a_prior + y, b_prior + N - y)
plt.fill_between(x, 0, p_theta_given_y, alpha=0.7)

plt.axvline(theta_real, ymax=0.3, color='k')
plt.plot(0, 0, label=f'{N:4d} trials {y:4d} heads', alpha=0)
plt.xlim(0, 1)
plt.ylim(0, 12)

Figure 1.5

On the first subplot of Figure 1.5, we have zero trials, thus the three curves represent our priors:

  • The uniform (blue) prior. This represent all the possible values for the bias being equally probable a priori.
  • The Gaussian-like (orange) prior is centered and concentrated around 0.5, so this prior is compatible with information indicating that the coin has more or less about the same chance of landing heads or tails. We could also say this prior is compatible with the belief that most coins are fair. While belief is commonly used in Bayesian discussions, we think is better to talk about models and parameters that are informed by data.
  • The skewed (green) prior puts the most weight on a tail-biased outcome.

The rest of the subplots show posterior distributions for successive trials. The number of trials (or coin tosses) and the number of heads are indicated in each subplot's legend. There is also a black vertical line at 0.35 representing the true value for . Of course, in real problems, we do not know this value, and it is here just for pedagogical reasons. This figure can teach us a lot about Bayesian analysis, so grab your coffee, tea, or favorite drink and let's take a moment to understand it:

  • The result of a Bayesian analysis is a posterior distribution, not a single value but a distribution of plausible values given the data and our model.
  • The most probable value is given by the mode of the posterior (the peak of the distribution).
  • The spread of the posterior is proportional to the uncertainty about the value of a parameter; the more spread out the distribution, the less certain we are.
  • Intuitively, we are more confident in a result when we have observed more data supporting that result. Thus, even when numerically , seeing four heads out of eight trials gives us more confidence that the bias is 0.5 than observing one head out of two trials. This intuition is reflected in the posterior, as you can check for yourself if you pay attention to the (blue) posterior in the third and sixth subplots; while the mode is the same, the spread (uncertainty) is larger in the third subplot than in the sixth subplot.
  • Given a sufficiently large amount of data, two or more Bayesian models with different priors will tend to converge to the same result. In the limit of infinite data, no matter which prior we use, all of them will provide the same posterior. Remember that infinite is a limit and not a number, so from a practical point of view, we could get practically indistinguishably posteriors for a finite and rather small number of data points.
  • How fast posteriors converge to the same distribution depends on the data and the model. In the preceding figure, we can see that the posteriors coming from the blue prior (uniform) and green prior (biased towards tails) converge faster to almost the same distribution, while it takes longer for the orange posterior (the one coming from the concentrated prior). In fact, even after 150 trials, it is somehow easy to recognize the orange posterior as a different distribution from the two others.
  • Something not obvious from the figure is that we will get the same result if we update the posterior sequentially than if we do it all at once. We can compute the posterior 150 times, each time adding one more observation and using the obtained posterior as the new prior, or we can just compute one posterior for the 150 tosses at once. The result will be exactly the same. This feature not only makes perfect sense, it also leads to a natural way of updating our estimations when we get new data, a situation common in many data-analysis problems.
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