Probabilistic programming

Bayesian statistics is conceptually very simple; we have the knows and the unknowns; we use Bayes' theorem to condition the latter on the former. If we are lucky, this process will reduce the uncertainty about the unknowns. Generally, we refer to the knowns as data and treat it like a constant, and the unknowns as parameters and treat them as probability distributions. In more formal terms, we assign probability distributions to unknown quantities. Then, we use Bayes' theorem to transform the prior probability distribution  into a posterior distribution . Although conceptually simple, fully probabilistic models often lead to analytically intractable expressions. For many years, this was a real problem and was probably one of the main issues that hindered the wide adoption of Bayesian methods.

The arrival of the computational era and the development of numerical methods that, at least in principle, can be used to solve any inference problem, has dramatically transformed the Bayesian data analysis practice. We can think of these numerical methods as universal inference engines or as Thomas Wiecki, core developer of PyMC3, likes to call it, the inference-button. The possibility of automating the inference process has led to the development of probabilistic programming languages (PPL), which allows for a clear separation between model creation and inference.

In the PPL framework, users specify a full probabilistic model by writing a few lines of code, and then inference follows automatically. It is expected that probabilistic programming will have a major impact on data science and other disciplines by enabling practitioners to build complex probabilistic models in a less time-consuming and less error-prone way. I think one good analogy for the impact that programming languages can have on scientific computing is the introduction of the Fortran programming language more than six decades ago. While nowadays Fortran has lost its shine, at one time, it was considered to be very revolutionary. For the first time, scientists moved away from computational details and began focusing on building numerical methods, models, and simulations in a more natural way. In a similar fashion, we now have PPL, which hides details on how probabilities are manipulated and how the inference is performed from users, allowing users to focus on model specification and the analysis of results.

In this chapter, we will learn how to use PyMC3 to define and solve models. We will treat the inference-button as a black box that gives us proper samples from the posterior distribution. The methods we will be using are stochastic, and so the samples will vary every time we run them. However, if the inference process works as expected, the samples will be representative of the posterior distribution and thus we will obtain the same conclusion from any of those samples. The details of what happens under the hood when we push the inference-button and how to check if the samples are indeed trustworthy will be explained in Chapter 8, Inference Engines.

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