Pushing the inference button

The last line is the inference button. We are asking for 1,000 samples from the posterior and will store them in the trace object. Behind this innocent line, PyMC3 has hundreds of oompa loompas singing and baking a delicious Bayesian inference just for you! Well, not exactly, but PyMC3 is automating a lot of tasks. If you run the code, you will get a message like this:

Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 2 jobs)
NUTS: [θ]
100%|██████████| 3000/3000 [00:00<00:00, 3695.42it/s]

The first and second lines tell us that PyMC3 has automatically assigned the NUTS sampler (one inference engine that works very well for continuous variables), and has used a method to initialize that sampler. The third line says that PyMC3 will run two chains in parallel, thus we will get two independent samples from the posterior for the price of one.

The exact number of chains is computed taking into account the number of processors in your machine, you can change it using the chains argument for the sample function. The next line is telling us which variables are being sampled by which sampler. For this particular case, this line is not adding new information. Because NUTS is used to sample the only variable we have θ. However, this is not always the case as PyMC3 can assign different samplers to different variables. This is done automatically by PyMC3 based on properties of the variables that ensures that the best possible sampler is used for each variable. Users can manually assign samplers using the step argument of the sample function.

Finally, the last line is a progress bar, with several related metrics indicating how fast the sampler is working, including the number of iterations per second. If you run the code, you will see the progress-bar get updated really fast. Here, we are seeing the last stage when the sampler has finished its work. The numbers are 3000/3000, where the first number is the running sampler number (this starts at 1), and the last is the total number of samples. You will notice that we have asked for 1,000 samples, but PyMC3 is computing 3,000 samples. We have 500 samples per chain to auto-tune the sampling algorithm (NUTS, in this example). This sample will be discarded by default. We also have 1,000 productive draws per-chain, thus a total of 3,000 samples are generated. The tuning phase helps PyMC3 provide a reliable sample from the posterior. We can change the number of tuning steps with the tune argument of the sample function.

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