Avoiding parsing

Being able to simply load Lua tables is a powerful mechanism. If you format save data as a valid Lua file, it can be loaded back as a module. Using this feature of Lua, you can avoid having to write code that parses a text file.

Let's explore this concept by first saving some data to disk. The following function saves a simple object containing a level, health, and number of lives to a file named save.lua:

function Save(level, health, lives)
file = io.open("save.lua", "w")

file:write("return { ")
file:write(" level = ", level, ",", " ")
file:write(" health = ", health, ",", " ")
file:write(" lives = ", lives, " ")


Save(20, 10, 2)

Because save.lua is a module, you can load the save data with a single call to require, like so:

gameData = require("save")
print(" level: " .. gameData.level)
print(" health: " .. gameData.health)
print(" lives: " .. gameData.lives)
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