Limiting what types can be used for type parameters

Sometimes, we need our type to have generic type parameters, but we don't want them to be totally generic. For example, we might need the type that's substituted for the parameter to be able to be moved between threads, or to support transformation into String, or any number of other things. Fortunately, Rust provides a way for us to do that.

We limit the domain of a generic type parameter by requiring it to have one or more traits. This is called a trait bound. Let's look at a basic binary tree data structure as an example.

A binary tree is made up of nodes. Each node has a key, an associated value, and two sub-trees: one for nodes with keys that are less than the current node's key, and one for nodes with keys that are greater. Finding a node with a particular key in the tree is just a matter of comparing it to the root node's key, then if it isn't the same, picking either the lesser or greater tree, and doing the same thing there, and so on.

Here are a pair of structures that represent a binary tree, with generic type parameters for the key and value types, and a trait bound on the key type to make sure it actually supports the comparisons we need for a binary tree key:

struct TreeNode<K, V> where K: PartialOrd + PartialEq {
key: K,
value: V,
lesser: Option<Box<TreeNode<K, V>>>,
greater: Option<Box<TreeNode<K, V>>>,

Here is the second structure, which gives us a way to store an empty tree:

pub struct Tree<K, V> where K: PartialOrd + PartialEq {
root: Option<Box<TreeNode<K, V>>>,

We need the second structure so that a tree containing no data can be represented. On both of these structures, we've placed the names of the generic type parameters between < and > after the structure name, but then we included a where clause that says that K: PartialOrd + PartialEq. That means that any data type that is substituted for K must implement both the PartialOrd trait and the PartialEq trait. If we try to use a data type that does not implement both traits, the compiler will reject it.

We'll examine the specific meanings of PartialOrd and PartialEq in Chapter 8, Important Standard Traits. Roughly, they mean that the concepts of greater and lesser apply to the key.

We've also specified that lesser and greater in TreeNode and root in Tree are variables with the Option<Box<TreeNode<K, V>>> data type . That means that they are optional (they can contain a meaningful value, or None), and if they contain a meaningful value, it is stored on the heap, and that value stored on the heap is a TreeNode with K as the data type of its key, and V as the data type of its value.

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