
In this chapter, we've seen how to use pattern patching to enhance our ability to make decisions and assign variables. In particular, we've learned the following:

  • How to assign part of a data value to a variable by matching the whole value to a pattern that matches the part we're interested in to a variable name
  • How to use if let and else if let to decide whether a particular branch of an if chain should run
  • How to use match to check a single value against multiple patterns
  • How to use _ as a don't care in patterns
  • The difference between a pattern that matches a borrowed value and a pattern that borrows a matched value
  • How to match patterns for complex, nested data structures
  • Surprises that can arise when we use pattern matching, and how to deal with them

We'll be seeing more pattern matching in the next chapter, when we look at enumerations, traits, and trait objects.

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