What this book covers

Chapter 1, Getting Ready, teaches how to install Rust and use the supporting tools cargo and rustup.

Chapter 2, Basics of the Rust Language, teaches the basic language syntax and fundamental semantic constructs.

Chapter 3, The Big Ideas – Ownership and Borrowing, discusses the things that set Rust apart from other programming languages.

Chapter 4, Making Decisions by Pattern Matching, explains how to use if let and match expressions.

Chapter 5, One Date Type Representing Multiple Kinds of Data, covers enumerations and trait objects.

Chapter 6, Heap Memory and Smart Pointers, explores the Box, Rc, RefCell, Arc, Mutex, and RwLock smart pointers.

Chapter 7, Generic Types, explains how to use generic type parameters with our data types.

Chapter 8, Important Standard Traits, covers traits that integrate with the language syntax and affect the behavior of the compiler.

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