About the reviewers

Daniel Durante is an avid motorcyclist, archer, welder, and carpenter whenever he isn't programming. From the age of 12 years old he has been involved with web, system, and embedded programming with PHP, Node.js, Golang, Rust, C++, and C.

He has worked on text-based browser games that have reached over 1 million active players, created bin-packing software for CNC machines, embedded programming with cortex-m and PIC circuits, worked on high-frequency trading applications, and helped contribute to one of the oldest ORMs of Node.js (SequelizeJS).

I would like to thank my parents, my brother, my mentors, and friends, who've all put up with my insanity, sitting in front of a computer day in and day out. I would not be here today if it wasn't for their patience, guidance, and love.




Syed Omar Faruk Towaha has degrees in physics and computer engineering. He is a technologist, a tech speaker, and a physics lover from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. He has a passion for programming, tech writing, and physics experiments.

His recent work includes Easy Circuits for Kids, Fundamentals of Ruby, and How You Should Design Algorithms. He is an Oracle Certified Professional Developer and is currently involved with a number of projects that serve both physics and computer architecture.

He is the president of one of the largest astronomical organizations (CAM-SUST) in Bangladesh. He volunteers for Mozilla as a representative.





Walt Stoneburner is a software architect, systems designer, and full-stack developer with over 30 years of enterprise-grade commercial application development and consulting experience. He is currently concentrating on concurrency, cloud services, Docker containers, microservice technologies, and web frameworks. He has a background working with search engine technologies, knowledge management, authoring DSLs, designing APIs, and enjoys creating automation processes.

Fringe passions include typography, illustration and layout, user interface design, psychology and social engineering, quality assurance, configuration management, and security. If cornered, he may admit to liking statistics and authoring documentation as well.

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