Using the item's short name

We can also use the use keyword to tell Rust that we want to refer to an item in a different module by its short name. This is done by just writing use followed by the full name of the item we want to use. For example, use std::path::Path; allows us to use just the short name for that item (Path in this example) in the following instructions, until we come to the } that closes the section of code where our use keyword was written (or we come to the end of the module file, which amounts to the same thing).

We can use the same syntax to tell Rust that we want to use the name of a module, rather than an item in a module. For example, std::path is a valid command. That would allow us to use path::Path as the name of the Path item in subsequent code. This is frequently convenient, since it still keeps the external items boxed up and separate, while providing reasonably short and informative names to work with.

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